Cats are our oldest friends!


New Member
Cats are our oldest friends

By Roger Highfield, Science Editor
Last Updated: 12:01am BST 29/06/2007

The dog is usually thought of as man's best friend.

But a genetic study published today suggests that cats may actually have been a more constant companion of humans over the millennia.

Ancestors of domestic cats are now believed to have started living alongside humans any time from about 10,000 to 130,000 years ago. In the case of dogs, an earlier DNA study showed that they originated from east Asian wolves a mere 15,000 years ago.

The new DNA evidence shows that cats around the world can trace their origins to the Fertile Crescent of the Middle East, which stretches from the eastern Mediterranean to the Persian Gulf, revealing how at least five female ancestors from the region gave rise to all the domestic cats alive today.


New Member
Strangely enough about five weeks ago a kitten, which was all skin and bone, seems to have adopted us as his new family. We named him Gypsy as he certainly looked as though he had been on his travels for some time.

There was also a film shown on TV just recently titled: 'Fallen', which is a menacing supernatural thriller starring Denzel Washington as a Philadelphia homicide detective who faces his most bizarre challenge - the demonic soul of an executed serial killer that can travel from person to person, where also that soul in between inhabiting different people also appeared to be re-inhabiting the same ginger cat. This made me in turn look at our newly adopted ginger kitten in a new light. Only joking, but there again you never know!


About time PUSSY POWER!!!!...for once the cat has its time in the spotlight..thanks girl for posting this info..iam not an DOG person at all...