

I must admit iam giving my writting an break because my second favourite pass time is painting and right now iam doing Aboriginal paintings and each painting tells an story ..this
story is called ..Wayamba The Turtle..

Once upon an dreamtime, Oola the lizard was out getting yams with her three children..All of an sudden Wayamba jumped from behind the mirria bushes and seized Oola and her three children and took them back to his camp so that Oola could be his wife. Oola could not defend herself as Wayamba came armed with his spears and Boondis (club headed weapon).

Back at Wayamba's camp, his tribe once seeing that he had stolen an woman of the Oola tribe for his wife were angry with Wayamba and told him he must suffer the consequences by him self because they would not help him when Oola's tribe came for there woman. He would have to go out on the plain and do his own fighting...

Soon after the Oola's were seen coming across the plain which faced the camp of the Wayamba's.. They were painted for war and were armed with fighting weapons..
Wayamba quickly chose the two biggest shields he had and covered the front of his body with one and slung the other over his back..siezed his weapons and walked out onto the plain to meet his enemies ..

The Oola's showered Wayamba with there spears and boomerangs , as they came whizzing through the air Wayamba drew his arms inside his shields and ducked his down between them and so escaped ..the weapons fell harmlessly to the ground glancing off his shield.

The Oola's then started to close in on Wayamba forcing him to retreat towards the creek at the last minute Wayamba tore off his front shield threw down his weapons and plunged into the creek ..The Oola's waited spears poised in hand and ready to aim directly for his head to appear above the water but they waited in vain..

Wayamba , the black fella they never saw him again in the water hole where in he dived they saw an strange creature which bore on its back an fixed plate like an shield which drew in its head and limbs when they went to try and catch it ..

This was the beginning of Wayamba , the turtle of the creeks...

hope this is an good read for some ..because DREAMTIME is an very important and special time ...