female "Fire Down Below" co-star talks about Seagal


Active Member
Marg Helgenberger from Seagal´s movie "Fire Down Below" was a guest on David Letterman´s "Late Night Show" a couple of days ago.

During the interview Letterman asked her about strange incidents on movie sets.

Helgenberger said that during the shooting of "Fire Down Below" that Seagal carried to guns.

They did a scene together and Seagal said suddenly: I have a gun here and a gun there.....

Letterman said "that´s odd" and Helgenberger replied "Yeah, it is"....

It´s strange that Steven carried real guns on a movie set!


Marg Helgenberger from Seagal´s movie "Fire Down Below" was a guest on David Letterman´s "Late Night Show" a couple of days ago.

During the interview Letterman asked her about strange incidents on movie sets.

Helgenberger said that during the shooting of "Fire Down Below" that Seagal carried to guns.

They did a scene together and Seagal said suddenly: I have a gun here and a gun there.....

Letterman said "that´s odd" and Helgenberger replied "Yeah, it is"....

It´s strange that Steven carried real guns on a movie set!

Maybe that;s when the mob was after him.


Iam not really suprised that Steven was on set with his guns ..after all he IS Steven Seagal...he could have an cannon on him and be allowed on the set and by cannon i mean (an magnum) thanks for the link..

Donald Lee Wilkey

A Steven Seagal fan
Notice how Marguerita Helgenberger Davey Leterman doen't have a decent thing to say about Steven Seagal. Phuckin Finokes :rolleyes: Go figure?


Active Member
Well things were crazy for him during that time, being the peak of his career and the mob allegations. Most of the people he has worked with probably don't know his personal character since Seagal is not an open person, so they judge him off what they see first.

Donald Lee Wilkey

A Steven Seagal fan
Well things were crazy for him during that time, being the peak of his career and the mob allegations. Most of the people he has worked with probably don't know his personal character since Seagal is not an open person, so they judge him off what they see first.

Thank you bens85. U'r one of the 'under dogs' in here that can see thru all the media bullsh-t and give Seagal a hand up in these postings. Seagal Fans 1 :D. Seagal haterz :mad: 0.


Active Member
Thank you bens85. U'r one of the 'under dogs' in here that can see thru all the media bullsh-t and give Seagal a hand up in these postings. Seagal Fans 1 :D. Seagal haterz :mad: 0.
Well Donald you and me we don't always agree. I'm not biased towards Seagal I will always consider things with an open mind and I have been critical towards him here with the past but clearly with reason. More often than not though I find people immediately dismiss him for what they see or hear rather than trying to know more about his background.


Well-Known Member
Well Donald you and me we don't always agree. I'm not biased towards Seagal I will always consider things with an open mind and I have been critical towards him here with the past but clearly with reason. More often than not though I find people immediately dismiss him for what they see or hear rather than trying to know more about his background.

I agree. He had good reason to be concerned about his safety...and that is probably why to this day (remember all those guns in the house we saw in the interview from England) he is concerned for his safety.

Even though most movie sets are closed sets...I don't blame him for being concerned...ESPECIALLY back in 1994


Active Member
Like I said before I think there's a consperacy going on in Hollywood to totally disgrace him...maybe that's why he left....Hmmmm.


Well-Known Member
must have missed what happened then? do tell Barbara:)

Back then Steven was working with Julius Nasso...who allegedly had ties to organized crime...

I wonder if their personal relationship had deteriorated to a point where Steven questioned his safety.....when someone in the "mob" is upset/disgruntled/feels betrayed.....they can threaten to make things happen to people, and unlike regular crime, great steps are taken to ensure that there is no trail...fingerprints...alibia are in place, etc.

Steven may have feared for his life back then....that would be my guess as to why he felt the need to be armed at all times....

It's a shame BUT...it is a very real part of society in the world we live in today...even recently....Mr. Nasso made headlines for coming after Steven for money....


Back then Steven was working with Julius Nasso...who allegedly had ties to organized crime...

I wonder if their personal relationship had deteriorated to a point where Steven questioned his safety.....when someone in the "mob" is upset/disgruntled/feels betrayed.....they can threaten to make things happen to people, and unlike regular crime, great steps are taken to ensure that there is no trail...fingerprints...alibia are in place, etc.

Steven may have feared for his life back then....that would be my guess as to why he felt the need to be armed at all times....

It's a shame BUT...it is a very real part of society in the world we live in today...even recently....Mr. Nasso made headlines for coming after Steven for money....

I totally agree with you Barbara ( that's your name right?). If the Mob is after you and your family a real man protects and is prepared for anything. Steven is definitely that man. He was only protecting himself and people around him.


It was posted in the Huff Post about what Marg said about Steven so of course I had to write a comment and stick up for our man and defend him against ignorant people. (Marg and Dave)