Global warming accelerating!


New Member
Japanese scientists report that the effects of global warming are speeding up in Asia. Japan has a record 10 typhoons this year. Bangladash, North Eastern India , and South Eastern China have had record prolonged flooding this year and last. Asia will lose a large amount of it's low lying rice growing lands while inland drought is speeding up desertification of huge areas. The Gobi desert is growing towards Beijing fastrer and faster. This means displacement and feeding of populations and the starvation of millions in India, Bangladesh, and China. China must plan at once for moving millions of it's people and at the same time find better ways to stop desertification. In addition the temperature changes are effecting rice yields.

The US is already facing major changes effecting agriculture at home but this is hidden as more Americans buy foreign groceries (raise our balance of payments abroad at the same time).


candle lighter
Well, something needs to be done, and fast! It is sad that world leaders are so stuck in politics that they cannot see the dire problems facing the entire world. It isn't a joke. It isn't open to debate. It IS happening, now. The age of surplus is over. Massive starvation and unrest could be very bad for all of us. If enough ordinary people join together and demand their governments do what they can, things might be slowed a bit. It's actually up to each of us = the Power of One = each one of us banding together can become powerful. We've at least got to try. The day may come when we will fall under the crush of the world's destruction, but it is not today - we must at least give it a fight.