Hey all!


New Member
Hi, I'm new to the forums. As everybody here I'm a big fan of Steven Seagal.
Anyway, the reason I'm writing is because I came up with an Under Siege 3 plot idea.
I also posted this in the IMDb, but since this is a Seagal forum it should get more attention here.
One last thing: There are lots of spelling, grammar, structure, etc. mistakes - My English sucks because I wrote it very fast. But don't worry, you'll get the general idea. I also 'borrowed' scenes from other movies aswell and left lots of plot holes and unexplained things. With that in mind, enjoy:

Ex-Seal Casey Ryback must travel to her niece's wedding but the 747 wich transports him is taken over on boarding by eastern european mercenaries. This particular plane is a new innovative model wich serves as a passenger/ big cargo transportation, with the option to pressurize the plane to deploy things in mid air. Among the few passengers located on the top section of the plane there is a scientist (working for the goverment) who is working on a deadly virus. Casey Ryback manages to hide the swarm of bad guys by hiding in a meat refrigerator container (in the cargo area).

Meanwhile another team of mercenaries steal a virus from a goverment base, go to a private airport and load it on a jet plane, which takes off inmediately.
Ryback gets out of the 747 kills the first bad guys outside, then fights on the wing of the plane while it's taking off, then manages to get back inside and hides in the lowest part of the plane while he thinks a plan to save the people. A flight attendant is hiding with him (hottie).

Now the mercenaries plan to make an air to air transfer of the bomb from the jet to the 747. They do so through a metallic line. Also several mercenaries get on board the 747 with rocket launchers and boxes with heavy weapons.
Ryback now manages to get to the upper floor unseen and calls the pentagon to inform on the situation. He sees some bad guys coming his way and hides back down
Those bad guys start to stash the weapons on the lower part of the plane but Ryback takes them out very brutally. He then grabs a rocket launcher and blows the jet with some of the bad guys still inside.

The mercenaries see what happened and go for Ryback, he puts on fight and kills a couple of them but they finally overthrow him and is captured. the flight attendant hides.
Meanwhile some F-15s try to induce the plane to change course but the mercenaries shoot them with the rocket launchers and the heavy weapons.
Ryback is tied with an incendiary grenade in one of the bathrooms and left alone with a guard at the door. The flight attendant gets out of her hideout seduces the guard and shoots him with a gun Ryback had gave her before. She releases Ryback and he carefully grabs the grenade so it doesn't explode and throws it to some bad guys that are coming after them. They burn and die.

Ryback then goes to the upper part of the plane and manages to rescue the hostages (except the scientist) by killing some of the guards (gun play - hand to hand).
During the shootout Ryback commands the hostages to get to the cargo part of the plane and put on parachutes (There is one for each passenger in case of emergency).
The people (flight attendant included) do so and jump of the plane while Casey holds the bad guys back.

The plane is now in automatic pilot because the bad guys are in the middle floor of the plane trying to set up the explosives and really mad because Ryback ruining their plan.
Ryback eludes them gets to the cockpit and contacts the Pentagon once again and tells them he saved the hostages and that they can take down the plane, as there are no more mercenaries with rocket launchers anymore.
Some other F-15s take off and head to the plane to destroy it before it reaches US ground.

Back in the 747 the main bad guy kills the scientist. The second bad guy in command goes after Ryback, they confront in a knife fight and Ryback wins.
He then hears the F-15s coming and rushes to the cargo area.
The main bad guy is already there and puts on the last parachute and jumps off the plane, Ryback jumps behind him as the 747 is blown to pieces.
Casey fights in mid air with the main mercenary breaks his arm, gouges his eyes, takes out his parachute, puts it on and opens it. The main bad guy is still holding so Ryback pulls a grenade and puts it in the bad guys pants and hits him in the head, so he falls down and explodes in mid air.

Casey is rescued from the water by his fellow marines and reunites with the air hostess and everybody is happy.

The end.

Please I would really like to know how you feel about this and if possible that you included your own ideas around this general plot.

I even made a movie poster:



  • Under siege 3 poster.jpg
    Under siege 3 poster.jpg
    153.2 KB · Views: 221
Not bad and the poster really is nice..Maybe you need to make up his future posters considering what some of his recent ones looked like..
I dont think we will ever see an Under Siege 3 though anymore..


Hi Matt, and welcome i know how it felt when i joined and beleive me you will just love it here..Aha some one else who has got good story lines huh?.. I love thinking these
things up too..I give you full marks and well done.Where are you from iam a Aussie chick and Heather is my name..Keep up the stories they rock.Have a great new year and all the best, catch ya.Heather.


Active Member
Welcome Matt ! ( tee hee ) Hope you enjoy it here . Your sounds pretty typical of a Seagal Movie . Hope you write more . Take care and enjoy this lovely site


Staff member
Hi Matt,

Welcome to the Steven Seagal board and thank you very much !!!

A Happy New Year



New Member
Great to see you liked the story and the poster. Maybe I should do this for a living, huh? :)

Anyway my name is Matías (pronounced like Matthias), I'm from Argentina and I really like Steven Seagal's movies and him as a person also.

Happy new year, everyone!
And I hope we get more Steven films in the future.


Hi, Matt. Welcome to the forum. Interesting story there. You can tell you've put a lot of time and thought into it. Wish I was creative enough to add something, but I'm just not! :) Happy New Year!



Steven Seagal Fan
Hello Matt,
Welcome and that was a good story line. I am not good at writing stories so I won't try.
Have a great New Year and keep up the good work on your story line and your movie posters. You do a good job.