Hi, Guys! You Will Do Not Believe!

Agent 077

Like that in my life there was a time I was fond of wellness starvation. First, I read the book Paul Bragg "Miracle of Fasting". As it turned out, it's true miracle. Paul Bragg himself at the age of 95 years ( it was written in the book) died surfing, it faced a wave. Surfing on the ocean, it is a certain extreme. Age and body weight do not play a role. Than larger wave- than more you want it. Paul Bragg died, and in his place would be any young man. Surfing often killed sportsman younger age. My record twenty-one days of fasting, as need and told Paul Bragg in his book . It was the winter of 2004, in February . I lay almost all the time without forces, rarely went out, drank only warm boiled water. Somewhere on the fifteenth day, the mother had to go on a business trip, I read a newspaper recipe pancakes and cooked it to the road. At the twenty- first day, I started to eat some vegetables and fruits. So what? I wanted more! But as always say in advertising: " Do not try to do it yourself ". I decided not to drink the water for four days. The most interesting thing (I have not touched a drop of water and did not eat all of these four days ) none of the others did not notice it fact. This modern life, we each busy with his own problems. Time later I riding in the subway, after a while, my eyes got ad : "Man can live without food for four days, without water for two days, three minutes without air etc." I do not remember the context of the advertisement, without which advertised people can not live a half a minute and what need buy. But all was need me, I realized in that moment.