I thought our home web site was not to be disclosed????


New Member
Many kinds or professional people, paid and volunteer, like teachers, engineers, doctors, nurses, sanitarians work in international assistance programs and become the target of all kinds of political and religious fanatics. Until I saw the note from Storm we all thought the internet was safe when the site was supposed to protect our home website address. Our UN supervisors had computer people in India check ip addresses and found these nuts can ferret out our home addresses quie accurately and wind up at your front door. We’d thought we were safe at least at home from the guns of nuts. I have been badly injured before and now I’m really worried I guess we all should be. Who knows who will come looking for any one of us. I will certainly be cautious of my use of the internet. Why anyone here pokes around, I don't know, now no one is safe.


New Member
Hallarian said:
Many kinds or professional people, paid and volunteer, like teachers, engineers, doctors, nurses, sanitarians work in international assistance programs and become the target of all kinds of political and religious fanatics. Until I saw the note from Storm we all thought the internet was safe when the site was supposed to protect our home website address. Our UN supervisors had computer people in India check ip addresses and found these nuts can ferret out our home addresses quie accurately and wind up at your front door. We’d thought we were safe at least at home from the guns of nuts. I have been badly injured before and now I’m really worried I guess we all should be. Who knows who will come looking for any one of us. I will certainly be cautious of my use of the internet. Why anyone here pokes around, I don't know, now no one is safe.

of course that no one is safe on the net. when you see all those hijackers able to hijack the most secured computers in the world. It's probably not difficult for them to hijack a forum to have IP adresses or any other informations.
Besides, last year, an ass***** put a virus on that forum. I guessed that this person wanted only have fun; but a lot of people lost a lot of stuff on their computer and sometimes they even had to buy a new computer.
I don't trust internet, it's the reason why i have no credit card and i never buy anything on the net or pay on the net even on "secured websites".
In your situation it's even worse because the final purpose of hijackers it's to scare you or even worse to hurt you.
Be carefull Hallarian.

Mama San

Please, be extra cautious, my dear friend!!!!!!!!!!!
Freaks are loose all over!!! The net is NOT
safe for anyone, at anytime, anywhere!!!
God bless,
Mama san