Interview with Steven Seagal: July 27, 2004 !!!


Staff member
This interview is taken from (Film Hungary)-Magyar sites. I think it was made in Moscow but published new. (it means: I didn't understand when? :D)
I had it translated from Hungarian as much as this. I hope you may understand. :D

link is here:

One Tibetan llama reincarnation Steven Seagal 2004. July 27.
interview Krishna László

THE fate contortion or the subsistence raw reality , that one advertiser Hollywood one strapping action? That the violence nélküliség vallásának apostle the violent in the movies king of the? Or probably that karmikus ( previous livings brought ) his task , that the „harcos” archetype jelenítse plus corundum társadalmában? Steven Seagal t the Moscow Filmfesztiválon got mikrofonvégre.

This two metre tall man the elmaradhatatlan Indian along he wears , hindoo módra two into his hand imádságosan work össze and curbs , when thanks for someone. No , and when scaffolds the his nose , noisy röffenéssel fújja who the atmosphere. Ponytail set , rightly bedded his hair , surly way the es ages mickle akciósztárjának összetéveszthetetlen trademark. On her face the confabulation underneath nor present plus hairbreadth more sentiment , than filmjeiben , the Natatorial stronghold , the Félholtban , and the remaining members macsószagú műremekben. Amelyekben köztudottan not juncture wide lére the by him played characters emotional megnyilvánulásait.

Filmhu-Tired seem

SS- Eighteen órát I flew , at dawn érkeztünk plus , it's afraid three-handed. Not yes it had been my time drowse. Everyone tired would it be such under circumstances. In addition not you can well drowse the aboard. But off intentioned to come here , Moscow , since the my father Russian it had been , he has spoken also the its tongue , and when mite I had been , umpteen got it belőle. Arról not also by talking , that Russia wonderful spirituális , cultural and artistic traditional there are. Úgyszólván , the „filmkészítő with my family already concerted , that not only Russian , but other nationality filmeseket also succor try. Olyanokat akiknek laborious their past it had been here you are Thaiföldön and Offer. Settlement dowry create , with which not solely financial , but political and social uptake also succor them. Annál , that how much money have you got , Hollywood only one thing vestige greater the latban : that whom know. THE organization the to his career alakításában wish succor creators.

Filmhu-Less she knows Önről , that musical.

S.S.: THE music to me the Gods its tongue. There is in it something szakrális. THE legtitkosabb language , that she does exists. THE music that language , which susceptible draw together the people the world , oversteps the political and religious megosztottságon. THE music the first my loving. Cry for were born , which means , that he's singing. Trusts , that the music the living celebrations. dalt I had written yet , and only lately hob at him from myself , that one their part extradited plates. One 32 Gramme fees won producers prepare off , whose on behalf of Mariah Carey Celine Dion and Jennifer Lopez album also attach. Since show up világkörüli tour starts , and many koncertemen charitable célra I gotta he's singing , that it helps the destitute people.

Filmhu- Legismertebb her activities probably upon also the akciófilmezés stick. Plus there is elégedve the hodiernal felhozatallal , the new akcióhősökkel?

S.S.: Yet waiting out. Single I did not see him nobody aki something újat brought have. Some of the probably permit ditto , not that's why since such wonderful am , but since permit did she see ci-devant. Many new jobs I had found who the genre ahogy other actors also. But yet today not I can see with us egyivásúakat akik susceptible would you be original jobs excogitation.

Filmhu- True the , that the Mafia megfenyegette You? Such news also sunlight did she see

S.S.: Possibly , ask for should have the festivals , that tell the újságíróknak , the interviews során only the spiritualitással filozófiával and the my work connections kérdéseiket tegyék up – accomplishes filmfesztiválon would you be! THE CNN en and other place also hírül adták , that more maffiatagot stay off and found delinquent one chantage in the case. Hadd stress , that he was arrested and convicted these the offenders , one in the case , of which such little medium it had been hozzám. That's why came here Moscow , that the filmjeimről speaks , please , take this honorary.

Filmhu-Humanitárius action next to how many try heft bírni this world is dolgaira?

S.S.: Consummately apolitical I'd like to be. More okom also there is at him. Mystical am aki the spirituális knowing consecrate in its life. Not am the világpolitika enthusiast. THE statesmen the cápák relatives of him. That however important territory emphasize , that odds there is politico and managing between , even spirituális , even worldly leaders should be word. THE political leaders out of Putyin chairwoman for example very mickle enthusiast am. But it's not that means that , that politico stature would you be. THE spirituális for people the right , if politics - void standpoint bide.

Filmhu- But the fáma political vonatkozásokat also magába deposit world-weary couples his name aside , that more in the movies also megtölthetne Seagal total biography notice , that CIA - solicitor with his father she grew up Sanghajban , then the pop succeed lépve In Japan provide the USA interest , then Midst - In America older Bush mandate Noriega camp life-guard I organized plus – however some of the pragmatic reporter incertitude rifled all of storiette ). Not schemes , that picture adaptálná manifold kalandjait?

S.S.: not Untimely would it be yet the in my lifetime in the movies create.

Filmhu- So its two years could it have been , when that I've been reading , that one Tibetan llama meditációjában one múltbéli llama reinkarnációjaként review up You. E recognizing on valamilyen ritual keretében You monasticism or llamas avatták In India. This also guessing?

S.S.: Why , this upon little about him solo news one of the , which true. THE story trifle more deep , than ahogy she told me , in that the uptake , that about it yet sosem he has spoken publicly sole psychic nor. But Önnek this time recounted : the as ages to its end meet one Tibetan llamas akiben that the impression incubated , that one llama reincarnation am. Posteriorly , untold time it had been luck such high-ranking religious with leaders meet In Tibet akiknek similar realization it had been their part. They are legates I'm sent To Tibet , that találkozzanak mickle misztikusokkal akik 14-17 thousand pins loftily élnek the Himalayan peak , and intro- they're watching. To them also idem it had been the message. True the also , that this adherer one inductions I had bought part In India. One time-consuming subtracted from myself stock in my lifetime and tevékenységeimből , some of the évig jórészt only spirituális labour they ranked , and diverse master I was learning. This underneath several charitable action I had worked. THE charity not also really good word this way. THE leghívebb expression spirituális labour can be , when succor the sufferers. THE spirituális enlightened not have to ourself to keep the. THE spirituális evolution eredményeiből resulting energize to that also használhatjuk , that másokat segítsünk.

Filmhu- In what way she knows unite picture violent for nature and the Buddhism violence nélküliséget advertiser filozófiáját?

S.S.: Not injures , if neater we are with it , that the spirituális labour not only it means , that the man take a seat , and meditate. That also magába foglalhatja , that harcosként he is going to the trenches. Vindicate the sufferers , spar the elesettekért and the innocents. Am I also this try achiveve the in my lifetime. That the in the movies concern , them that's why call me in the movies , since outguessed , and that céljuk , that elhitessenek with us something. One penman writes one storiette , the actors but eljátsszák. All of these next to the picture the possibility leghűségesebben have to reflect the life-giving. And the inlife she does exists good and he's bad. She's nice and nasty. Am I but acted them. But for it have nothing do with the living religious on the part of. THE Warner studio set treaties értelmében affects in the movies I am going to rotate the next one two évben , but the híresztelésekkel unlike these between not is the Natatorial stronghold triplicate part of her. Sure Your are also she knows , by no means it is impossible , that once prepare this also. But every quoth , this such , that the megélhetéséért make the man.




I could only understand a little bit. I even tried a few other translators on the internet, but they came up exactly the same as yours. Thanks for the article, though, Suzi. :) Good find!


Hi, as I'm Hungarian, I can help with the translation. I'm working on it, afternoon I'll post it.


Staff member
Kcs said:
Hi, as I'm Hungarian, I can help with the translation. I'm working on it, afternoon I'll post it.

wowwwwwwwwww !! You are great !! thank you very very very very much for your all efforts !!
I will wait !!





here is the translation:

Steven Seagal

27. July, 2004
László Kriston

Irony of fate or the reality of hard times that the apostle of a religion without violence is the king of violent films? Or does he carry a task from his previous lives to represent the “warrior” in our society? We made an interview with Steven Seagal on the Moscow Film Festival.

This 2 metres tall man wears an Indian short fur-lined coat, he put his hands together Hindu style and bows when he greets someone. And when his nose is full, he blows the air out with a loud grunt. The trademarks of the action king of the nineties are the ponytail and the morose look. During our conversation there are no more emotions than in his films, Under Siege, Half Past Dead and the other macho-style piece of arts. And we know that in these films Segal’s characters do not express lot of emotions.

You look tired…
My flight was 18 hours long, we arrived 2:30 am. I didn’t have time to sleep. Everybody would be tired under these circumstances. And I’m unable to sleep on a plane. But I wanted to come here, because my father was Russian, he spoke the language, and as a child, I understood quite a lot from the Russian words. There are wonderful spiritual, cultural and artistic traditions here. I agreed with my “filmmaking family” to help filmmaker from Russia and from other countries. Those, who had a difficult past here or in Thailand, or in China. I’ll make a foundation which is going to help them not only financially, but politically and socially as well. In Hollywood two things count: how much money you have, and who do you know. We want to help them developing their carrier.

Only a few people know that you are a musician as well.
Music is the language of gods for me. There is something sacral in it. It is the most secret language in the world. Music is the language, which is able to unite people in the world, going beyond political and religious conflicts. Music have been my first love. I was born crying, which means that I was sining. I belive, that music is the celebration of life. I have written 131 songs so far, and now I’ve decided to release a few of them on a CD. The producer of it is going to be a man, who has won 32 Grammy Awards, and worked together with for example Mariah Carey, Celine Dion and Jennifer Lopez. After the CD is released, I’ll start a world tour, and on lot of my concerts are going to be charity concerts to help those pepole, who are suffering privation.

But your most popular acticity is going to be making action movies in the future too. Are you satisfied with the young, new action heros?
So far I haven’t seen anybody, who has really new ideas. Some actors are probably copying me. Not because I am so good, but they saw me before. I have invented a lot of new things in the genre, but so did other actors as well. But I don’t see anybody right now, who could be able to find out new things.

Is it true that the mafia threatened you?
Maybe I should have asked the organisers of this film festival to tell the journalists, that I would like to talk about spirituality, filosophy and my work, and nothing else. We are on a film festival! CNN and other television stations reported about a trial where some criminals involved in an extortion case were arrested. Let me underline that these criminals are in prison, and I had only a very little part in this case.

Do you follow politics?
I try to be as apolitical as possible. I am a mystic man, who dedicates his life to the spiritual cognition. I am not a fan of world politics. Politicians are like sharks. But I would like to underline that there is a huge difference between a politician and a leader. For example, I think President Putin is a real leader, I am a huge fan of him. This doesn’t mean that I am a political type. A spiritual man should remain apolitical.

Interesting, because according to some rumours, you have a really interesting past with some political aspects as well (some biographies say that Seagal was grown up in Shanghai with his CIA-agent father, later he joined CIA and had missions in Japan and in Central America – however some journalists made investigations, and don’t belive the story). Don’t you plan to make a movie about your life?
No, it is way too early to make a movie about my life.

Two years ago I read in a newspaper that you were one of your teachers has accorded you as a reincarnation of a Tibetian Lama. After this you were awarded a new title. Is this true?
This is one of those rare news regarding me which is true. The story is a bit deeper than you’ve said, but so far I haven’t talked with the press about this before. But I’ll tell itt o you. During the late 80’s I met a Tibetian lama, who had the impression that I am a reincarnation of a lama. Later I had the possibility to meet Tibetian religious leaders, who had the same impression. They sent a delegation to those Tibetian mystical people, who live 14-17000 feet high int he Himalaya mountains, and are listening inside. After this I participated on an initiational ceremony, and changed my life for a few years: I concentrated on my spiritual work, and I learned from a lot of teachers. I helped those who suffer. This was like charity, but the best words to describe it are „spiritual work”. We shouldn’t keep our spiritual knowledge inside of us, with the force we have thanks to our spiritual developement we can help a lot of people.

Isn’t it strange that you make violent films, but you belive in a philosophy which is against violence?
It is useful to know that spiritual work does not mean that you have to sit all day and meditate. It can mean that you go in the trench as a warrior and fight. Defending those who suffer, fighting for the deprived people, for the innocents. That is what I try to do in my life. We call movies movies because they are fictious, they want to tell us a story. A writer writes a story, actors play it. But movies should reflect real life too. And in life there are good and bad things, nice and ugly things as well. I am playing roles. But this has nothing to do with the religious aspect of my life. According to my contract with Warner Studios, I am planning to make six movies in the next two years. But despite the rumours Under Siege 3 is not in this list. Who knows, maybe on a day it is going to be created, but this is a thing that one does for the money."



Btw: Steven Seagal's photo on his imdb page was changed, and they"ve updated the budget and distribitor info about Into the Sun?



This was extremely interesting!! I don't believe he's ever shared so much of himself in any other interview--his father being Russian, speaking the language. Written 131 songs, and is planning to do a world tour, many charity concerts! His refusal to discuss the mafia situation was handled tactfully and politely, as was his opinion about the "new, young action heroes" and his alleged CIA connection. And I loved his explanation about why making violent films does not violate his philosophy. And of course he looked tired! After an 18 hour flight, not sleeping on the plane, arriving at 2:30 a.m., then not sleeping right way. Exactly as I suggested several times.

The entire interview was excellent, I thought, and Steven conducted himself in a dignified and respectful manner.

Thank you so much, Kcs, for your wonderful translation of this very interesting and informative interview. We appreciate your time and efforts! :) And thank you once again, Suzi, for finding this!


Staff member
Wowwwwww !!!!!! You are GREAT KCS !!


Finally we learned what he said !!!




Steven Seagal Fan
Thank you Kcs for that translation. It was a very interesting interview and Suzi you did it again. Finding something about Steven before anyone else has. Thank you again Suzi.


New Member
Thank you Suzi for "digging" that, and Thank you Kcs for the translation job!!!

A world tour...? Europe...? Ohoho...!!!


I'm happy that I helped you with this translation. However I have the feeling that this interview is a combination of the press conference and a small interview, or maybe only the press confernce's written version.


Staff member
Kcs said:
I'm happy that I helped you with this translation. However I have the feeling that this interview is a combination of the press conference and a small interview, or maybe only the press confernce's written version.

himmmmmmm !! Thank you for your explanations. It is very interesting huh??




Staff member
Jampa said:
Thank you Suzi for "digging" that, and Thank you Kcs for the translation job!!!

A world tour...? Europe...? Ohoho...!!!

I guess that's right !! he goes every country in Europe except Turkey !!
BTW, I am not sure but I heard from somewhere he will go to Italy for promoto his album in this month !! I am not sure but I heard this !!
will see soon !!!!


for suzi and kcs that made for great reading thanks a million what would we do without you looking forward to more news and seeing THE MAN on film wouldnt it be great if he did a world tour and came to England im living in hope speak to you all again soon cherokee


Be your self...
Thx a bounce KCS!

Very intresting interview....i would pay for see it live...Steven seems very serious in this one!

Great find Suzi!