jet li film


Well-Known Member
i have jus watched cradle to grave with jet/li and he are some things i noticed. chemsitry what so ever between li and dmx(there was more between seagal and dmx and yet they hated each other)

2.the ending in the helicopter again just like romeo and exit wounds

3.also at the end there were 2 fights going on at the same time just like exit wounds when dmx fought one man and seagal fought micheal j white

4.not as much wires as exit or romeo

5.the bad guy had a terrible accent but his fighting is good

6.jet li did a seagal arm-break just like marked for death9if only seagal would do it)


Smile dammit!
Yeah, i saw it last week and thought it was poor. DMX's acting sucks! Marc Dacoscos as the bad guy did ok though. I thought he'd have been bigger with his MA ability. Much better was Kiss Of The Dragon. Li actually acted(!!!!) and the Paris setting made for some great scenes. The fight with the blonde twins and Li was great.


Well-Known Member
the acting was ppor but the cage fight scene was good but the thing that let this film down was it was a dmx film.exit wounds was a seagal film with dmx as a co-star but c2g was a dmx film with li in it so it could make some money and have some nice fight scenes....i mean he only had about 10 lines in the whole film.also c2g made 36mil in the us and exit made 52mil which is a big difference and exit opened same week as enemy at the gates which had more promotion than exit wounds and yet exit beat it yet cradle opened on its own with no competion.


Staff member
I watched and I did not like !! Jet Li is very ordinary !! Looks like EW!!
But Exit Wounds was GREAT !!!
DMX !! No comment for him !! I don't like this guy !!

in oneness
I never saw it but most people i know went to see it because it was a Jet Li film. I'm no Jet Li fan either but he does have a bigger pull than DMX and he did for this film as well. DMX and Li were co-stars but Li pulled in more of the audience and Dacascos also pulled in a lot of the audience as well-did'nt Li and Dacascos have the final showdown fight? I cant imagine DMX fighting anyone with fighting skills.


Well-Known Member
yes li did have final showdown but he had very few lines and li was only in the film about 50% of the time while dmx was in the film most of it.
rastafari said:
i have jus watched cradle to grave with jet/li and he are some things i noticed.

6.jet li did a seagal arm-break just like marked for death9if only seagal would do it)

If any new Seagal film is gonna have any arm-breaking then surely it will be Yakuza?It would be criminal to have Seagal in this film and not to have him back on form fighting wise(arm-breaks etc).I wonder if Yakuza will have the original Mcelroy/Seagal script?I have checked on IMDB and it mentions 3 other writers for this film.


Well-Known Member
last time i checked a few weeks back i dont think there was a writer for yakuza.....maybe there is now i will check.
justice808 said:
If any new Seagal film is gonna have any arm-breaking then surely it will be Yakuza?It would be criminal to have Seagal in this film and not to have him back on form fighting wise(arm-breaks etc).I wonder if Yakuza will have the original Mcelroy/Seagal script?I have checked on IMDB and it mentions 3 other writers for this film.

I think they have re-written it but i hope they have'nt changed it up too much. I just wish that Seagal would have made this film in the mid nineties with Andre Davis. It would have been a great film with a lot of action and good sword play.
Leon, did you ever see the original Yakuza? I have just ordered it along with Out for a Kill and Dark Blue. I want to see what the original was like.
Mike Douglas made a similar film a while back called "Black Rain" which was pretty good as well..


Smile dammit!
It's amazing how busy he is now after a drip-feed for years.
As for CtoG they should have left DMX out of it and stuck with a bigger part for Dacoscos.
How about Li and Seagal together? They could call it Little and Large!