Line from BOTB...What does "pracha" mean?


A cherry on top of what Serena?..owwwww smackies..Hell why dont we just make a fruit salad and add Steven to it who knows some one might get the cherries.Owww like i said smackies,again..Heather.

Thai IP Guy

New Member
Hi Lotus!


In Belly of the Beast when Steven meets the elder monk, he calls him by the customary " Phra Adjahn" which sounds like Pracha. "Phra" means monk or holy mna; "Adjarn" means teacher or master. So when Steven says "Phra Adjarn" he is greeting the elder monk by saying master teacher, a very respectful and appropriate greeting and very well-pronounced in Thai by Steven.

Hope this is helpful sweetness!


suziwong said:
Dearest Lotus,

Ed explained what is the meaning of Sawadeeka. it is greetings in Thai language may be Pracha means priest or master of the monk or HH. !!
Actually we don't know !! :D


I Belong To Steven
Well Heather, I won't EVEN say what I was thinking about saying....:eek:

Tora, you really made me laugh...
Thanks sooooo much Ed for explaining...
He sure pronounces everything so well...
I used to pronounce pretty well, thing is
I forget what I learn...


Aww come on girl you can say it...I have a feeling what it is ???..But i better cool it hot in here or is it just me?....Heather..Better get to school or i could be in the manure abit more hey girls look after him today for me ok?..Love Heather..


I Belong To Steven
If you have a feeling I am sure you can guess...
Just think about what you said up there...
I can't say it here, no possible way...:eek:


I Belong To Steven
Do you remember? I thought you might...
Let's just say I have something just for him,
question is, does he want it?


Iam sure that he would girl...I know that its a very important for you as it was for me.
I really wish that you could get that wish with him..Its something you would never forget..I dont what more to say but keep wishing girl...Heather.


I will catch ya later Lotussan i have to go and water my beautiful garden its pretty warm here today...And i dont just mean the weather .lol...Heather.


I know you do Lotussan, Iam just going to have to face the fact, that i better go to the doctor.DAM IT..he will say here talk these tablets (painkillers) if there dont work well then i will just have to try some thing more drastic....


I Belong To Steven
Well girl, you gotta do what you gotta do...
Try mind over matter, don't give up...
Just like I'm not giving up on my dream...
We here don't want you to be sick, we have grown too fond of you...
Besides, where would we be without all the love and support you keep giving?
Get well soon girl, you hear?
And that's an order... j/k...
But please get well, because I am very fond of you...:)