Members Birthdays


Incarnation complete
Amos ???

Amos Stevens said:
Yep I was born here in Arizona Jace :O
Amos,what do you know about a University in Scottsdale Arizona called the Warrior University...yes I am a fan of his ok so please spill what you know.Is it close to you and did you study there etc...
much obliged.


Incarnation complete
Thanks for those links Amos,they should prove useful;and also glad to see you posted up your Dharma Day on your Bhuddist link.


Incarnation complete
Take time to smell the...

Jace these are so interesting. Take your time with mine, but I am getting excited about it. I would love to know what my flowers are since I work in a flower shop and my favorite flower has always been the Iris.:):D
OK just a teaser then cos I gotta do Heathers next...your flowers are:Wallflower,dandelion,narcissus,lime flower and carnation.


Steven Seagal Fan
Thank you Jace. I know what all of these flowers are except for the Lime Flower. I had to look that one up. Never heard of that one before.
No hurry about this, I can wait, just take your time.


New Member
Patience ?

Jace said:
CHARACTERISTICS BESTOWED-Patience,industriousness & responsibility
ELEMENT-Cardinal Earth
PHYSICAL CORRESPONDENCE-bones,joints,teeth and knees
STONES-Onyx,beryl,white sapphire,black diamond,jet,amethyst
FLOWERS-Coltsfoot,black poppy,pansy
COLOURS-indigo,gray,dark green

I'm a Capricorn (22nd December), but I can't say that the patience is my best point, far from there lol. Well, I used to be not patient, but since few years, I'm learning the patience, thanks to God. As far as I remember, all my Capricorn friends are not really patient. Nothing to say for the rest of your description Jace :D. Thanks for that.


Fio said:
I'm a Capricorn (22nd December), but I can't say that the patience is my best point, far from there lol. Well, I used to be not patient, but since few years, I'm learning the patience, thanks to God. As far as I remember, all my Capricorn friends are not really patient. Nothing to say for the rest of your description Jace :D. Thanks for that.
Not a lot of patience, eh? :D

I'm a Capricorn and I'd have to say patience is one of my best qualities. What I don't have, though is a very high tolerance for laziness, self-pity, incompetence, or stupidity. I don't mean ignorance, as there's a definite, clear-cut difference.

Hmmm....Did that just sound impatient? :confused: ;) :D



I can at least verify what you said about the patience with ignorance statement. You helped me alot here and never once did you treat as though you were better then me nor make me feel like an idiot for not knowing how to do it myself, plus, your patience with getting it just right to my satisfaction is and was better then most people's service we as customer's have to pay for.
Once again Thanks for that. It seem like a small thing to you but to the folks not knowing, it's a huge help.


Funmaker this to be a new thread?

...or am I way too impatient?:D
I guess patience is such an elusive thing that you can be patient at a time and suddenly lose control over yourself in a blink of an eye.Well,I wouldn't refer that to Serena though :D But I could describe myself as sometimes patient and sometimes not patient enough to be patient :D Or does this belong in the Getting To Know You Thread?:D
From the high school years I remember myself being very patient,I used to spend a lot of time studying and if there was something I didn't understand I would spend more time on it until I'd figure out the whole thing.Now it's somewhat similar to how it used to be.I never thought that when I'd start learning all the guitar skills from the very basics it would be so confusing at times and even difficult.But I catch myself at a thought that it may take a while and maybe a little longer to get where I wanna be.But I'm ready to save more patience and work,work,work...Watakushi-wa hataraku hito desu.(I'm a working human being).Kore wa shimbo desu.(This is patience).


Mr.Rooster said:
I can at least verify what you said about the patience with ignorance statement. You helped me alot here and never once did you treat as though you were better then me nor make me feel like an idiot for not knowing how to do it myself, plus, your patience with getting it just right to my satisfaction is and was better then most people's service we as customer's have to pay for.
Once again Thanks for that. It seem like a small thing to you but to the folks not knowing, it's a huge help.
Thank you, Mr.Rooster. That was very kind of you and I appreciate it. :)

I myself knew practically nothing about computers until a couple of years ago, and with the help of a few patient people, and a lot of trial and error, exploring, button clicking, and hair-pulling on my own :D, I've learned a tiny bit. I only know a minute fraction of a computer's capabilities, but I've always been willing to share the little I know with others or help when I can.

Thanks again. :)


Steven Seagal Fan
I only have patience to a point. Then I either have to stop and try again later or contact friends or Serena:)


I only have patience to a point. Then I either have to stop and try again later or contact friends or Serena:)
Friends OR Serena??? :confused:
Good thing I know you better. ;)
I think. :D


Steven Seagal Fan
Serena said:
Friends OR Serena??? :confused:
Good thing I know you better. ;)
I think. :D

Serena I didn't want you to take this the wrong way. By friends or Serena I ment that you are such a great friend/sister, and I have always appreciated you helping me out. You have tought me so much here.:):D You always seem to have the time to help people out.


Serena I didn't want you to take this the wrong way. By friends or Serena I ment that you are such a great friend/sister, and I have always appreciated you helping me out. You have tought me so much here.:):D You always seem to have the time to help people out.
Kathy, I'm sorry to tease you. I know exactly how you meant it. :) I know you better than that.
And hopefully soon you'll know my odd sense of humor better. :D

Now, Jace, we need someone else's birthday in here to get back on topic! :D


Ummmm Jace if you havent done mine yet dont worry about it ok?...i dont want you run of your some one else's thanks mate..


Incarnation complete
Heathers B.Day

Ummmm Jace if you havent done mine yet dont worry about it ok?...i dont want you run of your some one else's thanks mate..
woah, those vibes are out cos here we go again.Enjoy your findings Heather.
This is where it starts to differ-
First Decan:personal planet is Mars
Sacred and Cultural Significance-Phoenician sun-god Baal of the heavens honoured; In ancient Egypt,Autumn ceremonies honouring Isis began.
Saints Day-Simon(1st cent. AD)patron saint of fishermen,and Jude,patron saint of hopeless causes,Salvius(7th cent.)

These peoples work is of all consuming importance.Yet their ambition is rarely of the type to demand personal glory or spectacular financial rewards,but is instead the natural product of their perfectionism. October 28th individuals are inquisitive types who will use the fruits of their discoveries to move forward into unchartered waters.Fascinated with reconstruction and deconstruction,their meticulous attention to detail and logical turn of mind give them remarkable potential to make pioneering contributions to the world.Because they are extremely tenatious and focused,they are typically absorbed in their endeavours-indeed when others have regarded them as having reached the pinnacle of their success,they will remain unsatisfied,believing that their task remains uncompleted and progress can still be made.
Their independant inclinations endow those born on this day with the capacity to break new ground in any area that excites their interest,particularly in the realms of science and technology.Although they are fueled by a desire to help others and are firm but fair leaders,their concern is with the more abstract,humanitarian variety rather than emotionally based.Their propensity to immerse themselves in their intellectual or professional interests makes them rather solitary figures, though whose love and loyalty is genuine-however,those closest to them may not always realize this,since they are not given to expressing their affection openly.

VIRTUES:Imaginative and ingenious,logical and organized,those born on this day are prone to investigate their interests with punctilious thoroughness.Though sometimes shy,they value their friendships and are especially committed to their families.

VICES:The combination of their focused sense of purpose,their concentration and their tenacity in the pursuit of their ambitions may cause 28th people to not only neglect those areas of their lives that are unrelated to their work,but also to become impatient with those who do not share their commitment or maintain their highest of standards.

VERDICT:If they are not to become emotionally isolated,it is vital that these individuals recognize that,although still important,their intellectual interests are not the be all and end all of their existence,but components that should be accomodated within a more balanced lifestyle.They should therefore ensure they do not sublimate the emotional or relaxational needs of themselves or those around them.

ALSO ON THIS DAY:Cornelis Janse(1585)George-Aguste Escoffier(1846)
Franci Bacon(1909)Cleo Laine(1927)Joan Plowright(1929)Jane Alexander(1939)Dennis Franz(1944)Bill Gates(1955)Lauren Holly(1966)Julia Roberts(1967)Joaquin Phoenix(1974)

SIGNIFICANT EVENTS:Highlighted on this day are the tangible and progressive advances:Harvard,at New Towne(Cambridge)Massachusetts(1636)being USA first university-George Eastmans announcement of his development of a pioneering colour photographic process(1914)-the resolution of the US/Soviet stalemate during the cuban missile crisis and the decision of the British parliament to join the European Common Market(1971)independance is a quality further emphasized on this day when Auguste Bartholdi crafted the statue of liberty and presented as a gift to President Grove Cleaveland in New York during the centenary celebrations of the signing of the Declaration of Independence.It commemorates the spirit of social justice and progress inherent on this day(1886)-and on a day when supressing emotional needs comes as a warning-a massive earthquake all but annihilated the Peruvian cities of Lima and Callo(1746)

As to, 'what the heck is a goatfish?'...
I guess civilizations have had different interpretations of such things,like martial arts.This is what I found interesting too.Capricorns also for youse.

The name of the zodiacal sign of Capricorn is derived from its Roman apellation capricornus(from caper=goat and cornu=horn).While the image of the horned goat is encapsulated within this costellation,its nether parts traditionally represent a fish's tail.This unusual, hybrid corpus derives directly from a Mesopotamian deity,whom the Sumerians equated with the god Enki,and the Babylonians with Ea or Oannes,the ruler of the waters.Other astrological traditions also adopted the goat-fish imagery,the Persians naming the constellation Vahik,the sea-goat;the ancient greeks terming it Aigokeros the goat horned one;and the Hindus bestowing on it the Sanskrit title Makara,represented by a hybrid sea creature.
An ancient greco-roman myth identefies this constellation with Pan(faunus)who eluded the monstrous giant Typhon by leaping into the Nile,whereupon his legs formally with cloven hoof,transformed into a fish's tail enabling him to escape.Some scholars believe that the duality inherent in the goat-fish represents the juxtapositions of water-a symbolic metaphor for the unconsious mind-with the mountainous habitat of the ibex,symbolizing intellectual aspiration.Capricorn encompasses the Northern winter solstice within its sphere of influence(its sigil is sometimes used to represent the solstice itself).For this reason,the sign was also known in classical times as the'gate way to the gods',Janua coeli or the 'gate of death'.Its association with death stems from the winters cold and capricorn's planetary ruler,Saturn,equates to the Greek god Kronos(also greek word for time),whose sickle popularly identifies him with 'father time' or...'the grim reaper'



Incarnation complete
Sagittarius Day

Do me next when you have the time. I can tell that I'm last in line here but I can wait. Just as long as I get it before my next birthday, which is December 19. Thank you Jace.

Planetary influences:Third decan-personal planet is the sun
2nd cusp-sagittarius with capricorn tendancies
Sacred and cultural-in ancient rome,Sabine honoured and the Opalia feast held,Pongol,a hindu solstice,honours the goddess sankrant-saints day-Anastasius I(399-410)
Ruling Planet-Jupiter and saturn
Element-mutable fire
Symbol-archer/centaur Eastern Equivalent-The Rat(da shu)Charateristics Bestowed-positive action,fortune wealth and expansion
Physical correspondence-liver,hips and thighs
Flower-wallflower,dandelion,narcissus,lime flower,carnation
Colour-blue and purple

Uncomprimisingly individualistic personalities,19th people are natural nonconformists who refuse to be bound by what they may regard as petty conventions of society.They have a strong attraction for what is profound and original and an equally deep dislike-even contempt-for passivity and lack of curiosity,or stodginess.Dismissive of societal norms that do not accord with their own visionary beliefs,they may provoke with their outspokeness-a propensity that is hieghtened in those who were born in the year of the dragon.However,their pupose is not negative,but stems from their desire to stimulate debate.They promote their veiws with passion and commitment.Among their intellectual stengths are clarity of vision and a strong sense of justice.
19th people are clearly unsuited to becoming cogs in corporate wheels.Their need for exploration and autonomy bodes well for their success as pioneering artists,scientists or entrepreneurs.Because many will prefer to work alone,The unconditional love and support of those closest to them is especially important.Strong bonds of friendship characterize their relationships with friends,partners and family members,who in turn cherish them for their generosity and loyalty.

Virtues-Those independant and vigorous souls born on this day are free and original thinkers,who have a strong resistance to accepting any idea or convention unquestioningly,instead investigating,challenging,and often themselves generating innovative alternative concepts.In doing so they are fueled by their desire to illuminate,educate or otherwise further human progress;others respect and admire them for their integrity.

Vices-Given their somewhat combative intellectual approach,19th people are no strangers to controversy and,indeed,much prefer to provoke others into thought and action rather than to meekly accede to the status quo.The danger is that they may become addicted to the stimulation of adopting a contrary stance,and that they may play the devils advocate for the sheer fun of being perverse.

Verdict-If they are not to drive others away and thereby alienate potential allies or those whom they wish to enlighten it is vital that these people moderate their somewhat aggressive propensity to challenge the beliefs that others hold dear,limiting their challenges to promoting those convictions about which they feel the most strongly and otherwise seeking to effect a working compromise.

Also on this day-William Parry(1790)-Grace Mildmay(1900)-Gordon Jackson(1923)-Robert Urich(1947)-Jennifer Beals(1963)-Alyssa Milano(1973)

Significant events and anniversaries-This is a day that highlights profoundly held beliefs and a concomitant willingness to oppose those who hold a contrary viewpoint,as was demonstrated when Huguenot and catholic forces clashed at the battle of Dreux,thuis heralding the french wars of religion(1562)-Yet the 19th also indicates the importance of pragmatic concilliation,as was illustrated when representatives of communist china and conservative governed britain signed the treaty of beijing,in which britain agreed to return Hong Kong to its 'mother land' in 1997, in return for Chinas guarantee that it would safe guard the former colonys social and economic freedom(1984)-Artistic triumph also with American musician Carl Perkins recording his best known hit 'Blue suede shoes'.

There ya are Kath,take with a grain of salt and enjoy,(just agree to disagree)
love Jace.
Ps-I avoid conflict like the plague.