Namaste (my spirit sees your spirit)

ODG had a beautiful message at the end of ithow many of you knew he used his own money tom produce that because the movie studio thought it was contraversial and wanted it left out out man being stubborn for a purpose demanded it left in and when they said YOU want it in ?YOU pay for it and thats exactly what he did.

because he felt the message was important he wanted us to see it and if you see FDB he did it again at his expense (remember the church scene everyone stops singing you can hear his boots coe down the aisle (impact)all the sudden he makes this speech about selling the future of your children for a satallite raise your hands

Point is no one deserves the MA hall of fame award more hes a very unusual man in a very good way he doent have the hang ups most actors have he has this spirit of "oneness" he can define it if you dont stress him he may let you come near, its only when he stresses he leaves. (too many people etc)
he has a BIG heart. He s a BIG MAN true black belts are rare hes one of the very few ever to be a foireigner to reach that most high level of 7th and for that alone Im proud of you Sensei..but what you have taught us all through your work and love of it and us cannot be measured..a sincere Arigato Gozaimasu ..Thanks for all you have given and continue to..



I Belong To Steven
Yes, Steven...We love you, and we shall honor you as you deserve...I hope we shall see you receive your reward and the recognition for your martial arts work, you deserve to be recognized for your efforts as a teacher, and an inspiration, you are phenomenal like no other, and watching your performances are truly a joy for so many...
I am sending all my love and respect to you Sensei...As SAS says, NAMASTE....