New Movie Ideas


Mr Seagal if you're interested (..and happen to be reading this thread!) ive been working on a great script and idea for a movie! Its called the Survivalist and the plot is somewhat better than some of the previous attempts by other known writers for your films! My script has depth of character and a plausable story line to boot! I dont want to give too much away so i like to think of it as 'Lost' (the tv series) meets Far Cry (the video game!) meets Die Hard on an Island! Well you can use your imagination! :cool: :yin:

Yippykiyay!!I also cook!;)


The Writer
Okay well one writer to another the chances he actually reads this post are so slim they are almost non existent. I am no dream squasher but lets be realistic. Evidence states he barely if at all visits this Site. I would enter your screenplay and see if it gets picked up. Why waste your time this way? You wrote it specifically for him but anyone can take his place really. If this is a hobby I understand but if this is how you plan to make your bread well its false illusions. You sell it to whoever wants it.


Active Member
I agree Nick with you as far as RYBACKISBACK opening his screen play to all any willing to take it on. That would be the best him/her to get their story read. Good luck rybackisback.


The Writer
Hey Purple I See You Are Back :)

Great idea I am actually a big fan of Sheldon Lettich. He is responsible for some of Van Damme's most memorable Films. Never knew his e-mail has been posted through. I have an older Screenplay entitled The Guardian he might be interested it.

It's just common sense I am sure he understands it. It's just no way to go about things. I would love to just send my Scripts to my favorite Actors and Directors but that is just stupidity. Chances they will even read it are very minimal. You shouldn't limit the horizon of your opportunities.