Other Official Site is Opened !!!

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Above The Law
Jalu said:
Well...Of course...

Sometimes those kind of companies can be too powerfull and controlling especially in the music biz. Why do you think Prince changed his name to


Steve's Destiny
Oh...I know. I used to work at a recording studio.

littledragon869 said:
Sometimes those kind of companies can be too powerfull and controlling especially in the music biz. Why do you think Prince changed his name to


I Belong To Steven
But just because it's available in Hong Kong doesn't mean that it's put out by a legitimate production company, I mean I have no way of knowing or not...
But I'd take the chance to see him...
I don't like buying off ebay as maybe he doesn't get paid for it as he would say off amazon.com (not the auctions) I just don't like supporting those copied things at all, that's all I'm saying...I am not trying to with kid you whatsoever, yud, just so you know, I was asking, because the subject was open and I was curious, that's all...


Staff member
Did you read this ?


From Webmaster - Steven Seagal Official Site

Posted ByWebmaster on July 12, 2004 at 19:56:40:

In Reply to: Webmaster3 posted bythe Caped Crusader on July 12, 2004 at 18:12:12:

To the Caped Crusader:

We were having some technical difficulties with
the message board so this is when your previous
post was erased. Sorry for the inconvenience....
and yes, this is Mr Steven Seagal's Official Website.

Thank you for your inquiry,


The Webmaster


For your information



I Belong To Steven
Doesn't mean anything, this is cyberland, anyone can write anything...
We'll see...
I'll be happy when it's finally confirmed by Steamroller...
Anyone know why the non-solo blues site doesn't work?
I thought it was good advertisment for the CD...
We should be seeing that coming out here as well, that will be so nice...
I hope he sells millions!
Thank you suzi, for your devotion to Steven, I know how you love him...:)


Did you notice a new photo?

If you go to 'CONTACT' (on the official site) ... you'll see a photo of Steven Seagal from Exit Wounds, but if you roll over that photo with your mouse, you'll se another photo. I don't think I've seen that one ... looks like from the Fire Down Below (or On Deadly Ground) days. :)

I'm loving this 'SKIP INTRO' button, but wouldn't it be easier if the whole 'skip intro' words were a hyperlink to skip the intro (or make that button bigguer or something ... maybe just make a rectangular button labelled inside)...


Another thing I've noticed on the message board. Even if you're going to it from another web site, many times you need to click refresh as soon as you get on the page. I'm not sure why it wouldn't update automatically on entering that page, but I know Suzi and a few others have also noticed the same thing.

So make sure you click refresh often while on the message board. :)


I Belong To Steven
Does it matter which browser I am using? I just don't think I am ever going to be able to view the whole site for some odd reason...Can't wait to get my hands on some of those energy bars, though....:rolleyes:


Active Member
I wonder what happened to the old site? Would the original designers still have it?

They should....the original "official" site was created by www.screeneye.com...and that site is re-directed now.
screeneye was located down the street from steamroller at that time(approx.2001) from what the street address's indicated.


candle lighter
from "the webmaster" ... hhmmm, sounds like a spin-off from Spider-Man hehe
seriously, let's hope the official site gets rolling soon and the technical difficulties get resolved ... uuhhh, I'm seeing a test-pattern now ... (showing my age - who remembers those?!)
OK, Sir Webmaster of the Official Site: good luck! we are rooting for ya!


The Webmaster left a message in response to Purplelotus' original post, and to which Donna and I added our own separate messages, commending them on the efforts they were making. I thought that was a very nice thing for them to do. :)

"Thanks to everyone for your kind words !,
Pur, AikiDonna, and Serena, Thank you very much.

---The Webmaster"


In regards to the message left by the "Webmaster" about Steven retiring, Donna had this message:

Webmaster, what is going on??? You just got this site up for us, and now they are talking about closing it down again!!!!
Who do we have to email, write, or call to keep this website going???
What is this about Seagal retiring next year, I thought that he has alot of projects already lined up for the coming year. What happened???
Take care

Someone calling themself "The Real Webmaster" posted this response:

A troll(Dreg) posted this lie.

The Webmaster.

Also, just so everyone knows, The Real Webmaster has now deleted the fake message about him retiring and the message from the troll posing as our Tara.

(Donna, I hope you don't mind me posting this, but you can see how speculation and worry snowball, and since I was up at 4:00 in the morning and didn't know when you'd be here, I thought I'd do it now. I'm also placing this in the thread about the message of his supposed retirement. Thanks--Serena. :))
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