maddladd;171054 said:
I've had it!
This is the last time I'll be duped by Mr. Seagal! I just paid good money to rent a copy of Attack Force.....what a load of crap! The dubbing is so poor, that half the time you hear Seagal speaking with someone elses' voice! It's such a poor plot etc. you can barely watch this drek.
I'll not watch another of his movies if he feels that he can present this kind of work to his public. I will, as a result, not ever, listen and/or buy his music either! It's a matter of principle now. If he disrespects his public this much, I surely won't disrespect myself by ever subjecting myself to watching and/or listening to anything he is a part of !!
Well, Maddladd,
We are all quite aware of the "story" behind the making of
"Attach Force"! The circumstances of the release of that
film have been all over this board for many weeks. Not one
of us appreciates the way the cut, paste and dubbing were
handled. My 9 year old granddaughter could have done better.
I loved seeing him but I detested the way they allowed it to
be presented to the public.
To say you don't like the film is OK!! It's not the first time
that we have heard that and it will most likely not be the last.
But we didn't need for you to continue with the rants and ravings
about how bad you thought it was.
I posted my review of "Attach Force" in the "Movie Review" section
of the "Movies" forum. I pulled no punches. I didn't like it and I said
so, giving my reasons why. But I didn't go on and on about how I
would never watch another film or listen to his music ever again.
If I had made such a statement I'm sure that some of my friends here
would have asked, "Have you lost your mind? That is a stupid remark
to make and it doesn't even deserve our comments!!!"
We have always welcomed all members coming to this board.
But for you to come here and make such a statement in your
first post/thread makes me question just why you are here.
If it's just to cause trouble then may I suggest that you
find some other place to play.
We try to be always ready to listen to constructive criticism.
But, I'm sorry to say, there was nothing constructive about your
My opinion!
God bless,
Mama san