Some thoughts over computer-made films and film music

Some thoughts over computer-made films and film music

I hope Steven will do a lot of more films.

I think that the discussion concerning his age and weight is uninteresting. Look e.g. at Clint Eastwood and Sean Connery.

In my opinion he is the only action-movie-star that so convincing can make the combination action, the gay next-door, sense of humour and somewhere even a message. And all films are different. So why leave a winning “trademark”. I get bored over all science-fiction-influent movies, there a part of the film as made by the computer.

And I think that in a lot of the new films made today the film music don’t fit in. The music shall be as a natural element and not disturbing.

I hope that Steven one day (soon) will write his biography. He made his own way to Hollywood. It will be an interesting contribution to the cultural history made from after 1988.

Kind regards


Yes!!!.. Thank you just what i wanted to hear some one who finally isnt worried about stevens weight or age ..Thanks Tine you have made my night..Very true other actors have aged and put on weight its what you call the ageing progress..Bloody every one gets older it cant be stopped..But Steven you just get better and wiser with age and i just love you, you big cuddly bear...Heather..Umm you will have to be gentle because i bruise