The Intenders of the Highest Good


New Member
Don't forget:
Your purpose on Earth is to evolve to your highest possible state of being

From the time that we were small children, we've been taught to mind our manners and to be like everybody else. We're told that it's respectful of others to practice certain courtesies, and that's fine, as long as we don't become slaves to what other people think or say about us. Taken too far, our conformity keeps us living in a subtle, but very real, state of fear. We become afraid of acting differently than everyone else around us. Even when our heart tells us to do something one way, our social consciousness screams out to do it another way, lest we draw too much attention to ourselves. And all too often, our fear wins out.

To experience your highest light, you must break the mold. You must do things not as others do, but as your heart bids you to do. Put on your old comfortable, raggedy clothes and take a walk around the park; whisper to a flower in your backyard; get up at four in the morning and go out and take a look at the pre-dawn skies. There are those who might contend that you're ready for the loony bin. But they'll be the ones who are missing out on some of the finest experiences in life. They'll stay under the thumb, albeit unconsciously, of others who would control their every word and deed. While you, in your newfound wisdom, will begin to walk this Earth freely and fearlessly, without a care in the world.

Know that there will most certainly be times when you'll feel the pressure to conform from those all around you. Just remember, in these moments, that it is you, not them, who gets to sing as you amble through the beautiful park. It is you, not them, who hears the joy in the voice of the flower as she whispers her innermost secrets back unto you. And it is you, not them, who receives loving guidance from the morning star as she breaks the horizon at dawn.

From The Highest Light Teachings

My Intention for today is:

I Intend that I am my own person.


New Member

If you're driving down the road and you see only beautiful flowers; and your neighbor is driving down the same road and sees only weeds, who is right? What you are tuned into, that's what you create for yourself.

It's interesting how some of us are so readily inclined to see the dark side of things, even when we are surrounded by extraordinary beauty. We complain out of habit, thinking, often unconsciously, that we'll receive some nice reward for all our grumbling. Unfortunately, we may get our treat, but we will also have to live out the results of our complaining, and thus miss out on some of the greatest gifts Mother Earth has to offer. For, it's when we hold our attention on her beauty, that something special is called up within us; something that instinctively makes us want to take good care of the Earth. From that point on, we clearly see where our greatest rewards are coming from. They come from taking care of that which is taking care of us.

We go camping a lot and have since we were little children. Our parents used to pack up the station wagon on Friday evenings and drive my brothers and sisters and me out to the woods. Our favorite place was about 20 miles from town in a grove of trees that bordered a beautiful oblong lake. There weren't many people camping around us back then, but now, since it is so lovely, it's packed all weekend long. In the old days, we used to hunt in the nearby woods. We didn't see how special it was, so we'd kill all kinds of animals, chop the trees and bushes indiscriminately, dump stuff in the water, and leave a big mess behind when we went home. It didn't matter to us back then.

Somewhere along the line, though, we made a conscious intention to remember just how sacred it was to be out in Nature. I don't remember exactly how it came about, but, over time, we gained an appreciation for the lake and the forest that we didn't have before. We slowed our pace down and began to approach our time in Nature more lightly, more gently. We started cleaning up after ourselves so you couldn't tell we'd been there. And we stopped killing the animals, and if, by accident, we harmed an animal or a plant, we did like the Native Americans, and we thanked it for its gift to us.

That's when we noticed the change. It started to feel better out by the lake. Animals who used to run and hide when we were around began coming right up to us. Any firewood that we needed was always nearby. And, beyond all of that, a feeling of peace is there now that wasn't there before. Even though we have a lot more activity around us, our little campsite is so peaceful that other campers always stop by and remark about it.

All said and done, we have a much better time out by the lake now that we take care of it, instead of harming it. And sometimes late at night, when I lay in my sleeping bag and look up at the stars, I feel so good I never want to leave.

From The Code: Intentions in Action

My Intention for today is:

I Intend that I am taking good care of Mother Earth.


New Member
The Marriage of Mind and Matter

By your thought shall you be fulfilled

One of the most common questions we get has to do with people having a difficult time marrying what's going on in their mind and what's going on outside of them. They tell us that they just can't seem to hold a vision of their Intention having already manifested, when the evidence in their outside world doesn't support that line of thinking. In answering these questions I'm reminded of one of my favorite characters in my latest novel, The Reunion: A Parable for Peace, namely Chief Seattle. To me, Chief Seattle embodies the attitude of staying positive regardless of his external situation better than anyone. Indeed, he knows how to hold his attention on the end result as if it is already done and manifested. I share his eloquent message with you now.

"My brother, I tell you true. If all who see the Earth as being poisoned would, instead, give more attention to seeing the Earth clean and vibrant, then, very soon, your Earth would be cleansed.

If all who see their nation's leaders as misguided or uncaring would, instead, give more time to seeing themselves being represented by responsible, caring leaders who stand firm for the highest good of all, then, very soon, you would have good leadership.

\If all who see their spouses or family members as troublesome or unloving would, instead, give more thought to seeing their loved ones as the shining children of God that they are, then, very soon, all challenged relationships would be renewed and love rekindled.

If all who see themselves as sick or poor or weak of heart or undeserving would, instead, give more energy to seeing themselves as healthy, abundant, empowered, worthy, and lifted up, then, very soon, they would experience all of the good things that life has to offer.

If all who see themselves as a physical body and no more would, instead, give more thought to seeing themselves as an ever-brightening star that resides inside the body, then, very soon, everyone in your world would be shining their lights--just as all of the Elders who have walked your Earth have done. You would be living in peace, harmony, and comfort in a culture that you have created consciously, a culture which, by your divine right of birth, you deserve to enjoy.

Each challenge is there to guide you toward the desire of your heart

Each problem, seen from the positive side, always turns into a blessing

Each sorrow leads you to your joy

Each doubt--to your knowing

Each lack--to your abundance

Each debt--to your freedom

Each feeling of hopelessness--to your power

Each cry of pain--to your comfort

Each act of war--to your peace

Each act of anger--to your love

And each journey through darkness--into the light."

My Intention for today is:

I Intend that I am holding a vision in my mind of my Intentions having already manifested.