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"More Segal : Today You Die!
News Genre : Action Movie News
Oh happy day! My roommate, who you all know I love to torture and blame for things aren't even remotely his fault, opened up his Netflix package today, and low and behold, there it was: Today, You Die. Yet another Steven Seagal direct to video flick. Let me tell you something, the calendar says it's halloween, but for me, today is like Christmas!
(Some of you might remember my previous Seagal review "Submerged" which I did not like at all. You might also remember I'd beat him profusely with a sock full of pennies if he subjected me to torture like that again. Go to the end of the review to find out if I did indeed follow through with my plan).
So.... Today You Die. It's good to see Seagal returning to the famous "three word" titles of his previous successes, such as Above the Law, Hard to Kill, Out For Justice, etc. Sadly, it doesn't work when you add "Steven Seagal IS..." before the title. Steven Seagal IS Today You Die. Although that makes about as much sense as some of the dialog scenes in this film. Not gonna lie to you, this was a bad one. But it was a lot better than Submerged, and I will be a little nicer this go around.
So Seagal is a master thief named Harlan Banks. Oh wait, I forgot about the awesome credit sequence, which included a woman getting a tarot card reading. It includes a lot of needless freeze frames that look stupid, while focusing on the "death" card, meaning something bad is most likely going to happen. (Even though I believe that the "death" card doesn't necessarily mean bad things, but whatever). So the credits roll over these images, where we learn that the film had a LOT of producers. And executive producers. But I digress.
So the woman getting her tarot card reading is Jada (Mari Morrow) who has a nightmare, which you know is a nightmare because it includes a lot of quick cutting and random imagery. She wakes up next to Seag..excuse me, Harlan. Harlan, it should be noted is just sitting in bed staring. Not even reading, or meditating. Just sitting there ready to deliver his dialog and provide a comfortable hug. Jada feels something bad is going to happen. Naturally Harlan leaves her to go on a job. He is a thief after all, although it's alluded to that he's a noble thief, who robs from drug dealers and crime bosses and gives to the poor, while keeping some for himself. It's alluded to, but never actually shown, so it's quite possible I made it up. In fact, as I go through the recap of the plot, it might sound like I'm winging it. I bet I could make it up as I went along and STILL come up with a better movie. Again, I digress. Anyway, if he's robbing from drug dealers, that might explain why this master thief doesn't feel the need to wear gloves on a heist.
Harlan is robbing the guy who played the bus driver in Speed (remember that movie? That was a good movie) and naturally kills him. The bus driver, being a crime lord, has several highly trained body guards who attack harlan as he exits. They're patient enough to fight single file. And Harlan fights them, with his back to the camera the whole time. Astute fan of cinema might be able to ascertain the reasoning behind this choice. (Hint, Harlan looks a little thinner in this scene).
Ok, I've only described the first ten minutes of the movie. Harlan and Jada leave wherever they just were and head to Vegas for a fresh start. Because when fleeing a life of crime and sin, nothing says renewal like Vegas. Harlan gets a "legitimate" job driving an armored car. But it turns out to be a heist getaway driver. This leads to a (swear to God) genuinely cool chase scene through the streets of "Vegas". (the end credits and IMDB mention Vegas, and Bulgaria as the prime locations). Somehow, somewhere in the chase scene, Seagal manages to stash the $20 million he stole. Then he passes out and the cops nab him. Harlan is charged with murder, of whom I'm still not sure. I thought it was originally the police officers who died in the car chase, but then I'm told it's "Max", the shady figure who hired Seagal in the first place.
Seagal goes to jail. He has that long walk down the "mile" where I kid you not, EVERY PRISON CLICHE is presented. If it were a drinking game, you'd be down before the end of the scene. It's ridonkulous. In prison, Seagal beats up some guys who know he has the money. He earns the respect and confidence of Ice Cool (Anthony "Treach" Criss, from Naughty By Nature. Jersey represent!). cool offers to help Seagal escape, in exchange for some of the money. Seagal agrees, and thus unfolds the lamest prison break I have ever seen captured on film.
Now comes the fun part. not to say it hasn't been interesting up until this point. So now, Seagal obviously wants revenge, and he's got Max's former business partners after him, as well as some possibly corrupt cops. But Segal doesn't care, as he proceeds to kill everyone. In between bouts of killing (including a scene of high amusement involving the Asian street gang from Vegas blowing things up for no reason) Seagal and "Ice Cool" proceed to drive around town exchanging witty banter. But it's not witty banter. It's like having a conversation with that white kid who works at the mall and only speaks in "hip hop" lingothat's been sanitized and over used to sell products. It's panful, and not to mention a little tragic. Even Treach seems pained to agree with Seagal in these scenes. One of these incoherent conversations is done completely off screen while a car drives. It's so unbelievably horrible.
Umm... so you might think since I'm needlessly trashing this movie, that I didn.... Oh wait! I forgot another ridiculous moment. So Jada keeps having these horribly MTV dreams, which convince her that Max (who might still be alive) is "supernatural." alright, this could work, it worked with ScrewFace in Marked For Death, why not bring it back to this one and give her a whirl. Except, he's not supernatural, he's just in hiding. There's nothing about the supernatural element at all. There's not even a reason for that scene to exist in this movie. But then again, there's a lot of things in this movie that shouldn't exist.
Yeah. It's pretty crappy. Never boring, however. Like a Uwe Boll film, you watch to see if it can get any more bad, and lo and behold, it does. However, it comes nowhere NEAR reaching the bar set by Submerged. For example, in this movie, Seagal actually uses his own voice. not dubbed over like the last one. And aside from that one horribly obvious scene in the beginning, Seagal seems to be there doing his fighting. That or CG has gotten REALLY good.
Also, this movie features quite possibly the greatest Seagal device on film: the multiple breaking bones. Remember Above the Law, when Nico broke that dude's arm, and shoved it through his back? That was cool. This movie features an obscene amount of bone breaking, but damn I watched every second of it.
Most of the co-stars are pretty bad, but Treach manages to come out alright. Even likable. And hey, you gotta love the guy that gets to say the title in the movie. Especially if he adds a curse word to the end of it!
This movie is a lot less hyper kinetic (or ADD) than Submerged, and I appreciated it. This movie is crap, make no mistake, but it's a lot easier to watch. In a literal sense of the word, anyway. There's a lot wrong with this movie, and a lot of things I could single out, but why bother? Fact is, this movie is so bad it's fun. One of Seagal's better in the direct to video category, this is definitely a movie you can pop on if you like yelling the television. (I'm a big fan of "Are you KIDDING me!?!"). Plus, there's a really cool stunt involving a dude getting thrown out of a window. That was pretty badass.
So my roommate is spared tonight. But I think I'm gonna beat him anyway. Just to keep him on his toes.
Posted By: The Dude / Source Got news? Dont hesitate to share your knowledge and send us your news, ramblings, Send it in to us "
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