

Well-Known Member
its just my opinion but i think unleashed is different to rescue and it will be another stv film as the producer is jamie brown and most of his films go stv and he is also producing belly of beast.
I think Jamie Brown must be a partner in Luminosity Media, Seagal's company, he seems to be involved in all of Seagal's new projects.
Currently Seagal is filming Unleashed in Bulgaria so it is a different film.Jon Marsh says that Seagal has a project lined up for Warner.Bros. called The Package...i'm guessing this a title change for The Rescue.
justice808 said:
Jon Marsh is in the film industry & he gets all the action films news before anybody else.

Damm, Leon, how did you find out about him? I thought The Package was the working title for The Foreigner?


I Belong To Steven
I think he seems to have a magnificent mind, and lots of motivation...Talent too, know matter what some people say...:)