What Is Sound Healing?


New Member
The Study of the Effects of Sound on the Body, Psyche and Spirit

Sound Healing, through various techniques and technologies, is the educated and conscious use of the energy of sound to reach identified goals and promote wellness in the human system – including the expansion of consciousness. Sound Healing is founded on the premise that all matter is vibrating at specific frequencies. Science has proven that sound, or vibration, has a strong impact upon substance. For example, the study of Cymatics has shown how sound creates geometric patterns in matter. Dr. Emoto has proven that sound changes the molecular structure of water. However, more importantly, sound changes consciousness. Many ancient civilizations and modern indigenous cultures have used sound to heal and access higher levels of consciousness for thousands of years.



New Member
Steven Halpern

Steven Halpern is recognized as the pioneering sound healer and award winning composer and recording artist. His music is enjoyed around the world and is composed specifically for meditation, relaxation, sound health and inner peace. In this group, Steven will share his insights and personal strategies for sound health and spiritual growth. We will also share our individual responses to his favorite Inner Peace compositions, highlighted in his postings.

Yahoo Group:-

His website, where you can also get to listen to some samples of his music:-