Out Of Reach

2004 Out Of Reach

Billy Ray Lansing, a former covert agent turned survivalist, discovers that the foster program he is using to help a young girl is actually a human trafficking network. Lancing heads overseas to find the girl and shut down the operation.

Release Dates:
USA - 20th July 2004
UK - 23rd August 2004
Canada - 14th September 2004
Netherlands - 16th November 2004
Japan - 19th February 2005
Italy - 10th June 2005
Germany - 8th September 2005

Also Known As:

$20 million USD

Box Office:

Filming Dates:

04th August 2003 - 21st September 2003

Filming Locations:


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Overall i must say it's on a par with Belly Of The Beast, and is 10 times better than The Foreigner and Out For A Kill.

Okay the story is quite weak, and as pointed out before, it is a bit strange that the penpal knew that she would be helped by her distant friend. The plot is easy to follow.

Again the voice over, it is not Seagal, in my opinion this ruins the film. It sounds weird! Wait till you hear it. It doesn't happen just once or twice, but many times throughout the movie, some segments are long too. :(

The fight sequences are excellent. I think they are a bit better than Belly Of The Beast too. :) In this movie, the stunt double is not too noticable. :)

Overall i think this would be much better if they sorted out the sound