a girlfriend of steven


Staff member
Thank you heather and dragon !!!

Littledragon said:
Yes she is indeed Heather, but I have still yet to know if she knows Seagal personally or not. :D :D

hihihihihihii !! NO COMMENT !!!!! :D


WHAT no picture with me and Steven :confused: I thought this was the
Girlfriend of Steven thread!? :whazzup: I was coming to see us together!!
I suppose I will have to post my own picture with him!
Suzi where is he? So I can go take the pic and post! "cos" I feel like I am his girlfriend or maybe friend girl! :apeace: :apeace:


Wacky on the Junk
I'm married, so I would just have to be his little friend who just so happens to be a girl! LOL!!! Besides, I've said it before, and I'll say it again, I'm too weird to be his girlfriend! LOL!!!


Then that makes to of us girl...who knows maybe he might like some one whos abit " out there" she might, know she will keep him on the ball...


I did enjoy reading your "lines" ladies........ so in conclusion he is free.
All of us know it's just a psychological thing that we're happy for that , in spite the fact that it won't make any difference, do not you think so??


Wacky on the Junk
I think I could make a go of it myself...LOL!!!! I'll start a harem! Mr. Soul would like to have another guy around to talk to! LOL!!


I think all the girls reading this forum don't mind being Steven's girlfreind, but did any one of you thought of becoming his " wife " insteasd of his " girlfreind" ???


Wacky on the Junk
Assuming for whatever reason I would find myself not married, I don't think I would get married again. I would just say "Baby, we love each other, isn't that enough? Do we really need to make it legal?" LOL!!!! I'm pretty sure I won't find myself in that situation! LOL!!


Lol good one starmaiden i really needed an laugh..i have been married once that was enough thanks..its only an piece of paper any way..i have freinds who have been living together for years and dont want to get married i surpose iam old fashioned but thats me...hey Kimonosoul i know what you mean just abit of "slap and tickle"...now your talking girl...but he might be to scared because we might be too dam good..once he has had the taste of the best...ok calm down Heather.......whoaaaaa ...there girl..