Actually that's not a bad review....sums it up pretty well.
I know

Actually that's not a bad review....sums it up pretty well.
"“Code of Honor” introduced the viewers to a new Steven Seagal – he doesn’t talk at all in the first 47 minutes of the film.doesn’t talk at all in the first 47 minutes"
Well Seagal doesn't talk because he's plays a lone mass murderer and hides in the shadows...he does not want to be noticed so he has no interaction with anyone. That's why he doesn't speak for 47mts."“Code of Honor” introduced the viewers to a new Steven Seagal – he doesn’t talk at all in the first 47 minutes of the film.doesn’t talk at all in the first 47 minutes"
If you purchased it...yeah 'empty' as being ripped offTo me this is just like any other Seagal film that has been made within the last 10 - 16 years. You see it, and then you are left with an empty feeling, and 10 minutes later you have forgotten all about it.
I've thought that many's just when I see one listed on a torrent site I can't help but to download it and see what 'his' new endeavor is about. Only time I came to an abrupt 'stop' when when the True Justice were being released as DVD movies....that was the lowest thing I've ever seen. And then not even releasing the final chapter(1st season) unless you bought the entire 1st series collection.If people still want to see his movies, fine, but personally, I dont know why I bother any more. I think finally its time for me to move on.
He seems as confused about the ending as I am
Just saw this one and unfortunately it was a big dissapointment for me.
The trailer looked very good and I hoped this would be the best Seagal movie in a while, but it was very misleading.
I was expecting Seagal to have little screen time since he's not the lead, but he was in the movie for much less than I was expecting, and doesn't get anything interesting to do until almost an hour into the movie.
The writing is very cliched and straight forward, there is very little action, none of the characters are likeable, and there is no mystery or intrique at all. We know from the very beginning who is killing all the people, so watching endless scenes of the cops investigating and wondering who did it and why he did it etc. is just boring. And so were countless of other pointless scenes, like the one at the strip club where Seagal is sitting at a table and everything is in slow motion and absolutely nothing happens for like 2 minutes.
Or the scenes where he keeps shooting all the drug dealers, we got it the first time.
Or the scenes where James Russo's character is barking orders to his henchmen. It's like action movie screenwriting 101, cliche central.
The twist is kinda easy to see coming, and at that point in the movie you just don't care, you just want it to be over.
Also the CGI blood is appalling, absolutely horrible. In one scene a guy is shot and his blood is sprayed on the wall, they cut away and cut back and there is no blood, another cut and the blood is back. Some of the CGI blood shots look like a 15 year old with a free software could have done a better job. It's obvious they didn't have much time or money for post-production.
The movie has no flow, scenes just follow each other. It has a very bland digital look, excluding some stylish shots, and it feels like a TV movie at best.
It's too long, it shouldn't have been longer than 90 minutes tops, at 1h 46 minutes it is a chore to get through.
Sniper: Special Ops wasn't good, but I felt like it had a better rhythm to it than Code of Honor. Both boring movies though there's no way around it.
The Asian Connection is I think a better movie than COH because
1.It uses Seagal better and and has no stupid plot twists
2.The film flows better and quicker
3.Seagals scenes although short are mixed in nicely in the fim
4.Seagal speaks normal and without that stupid southern accent
That said there are downsides
1.Only one fight for Seagal
2.The lead actor is pretty terrible
3.MJW only has 1 scene
4.Some of the support cast are pretty wooden
That said the 2 films COH and AC have not suprised me(in being weak) and I always thought KS,PW and EOAG were the films worth looking forward to
I will say that the scenes where Seagal actually had to act were good, he did put in some effort and at times I thought he was actually quite good. But they were too few and far between the boring scenes.
Only two fight scenes, which were very short and very dissapointing. The rooftop scene had some of the worst doubling ever. And I have to say that Seagal's bizzarre way of holding his hands up in a limp wristed way and flailing his kife around was kinda ridiculous. Is he being serious or is he taking the p**s?
The fight scenes in even the worst Seagal movies used to be the only good parts, but it's been a long time since we've seen a good Seagal fight scene.
It's unlikely I will ever watch this movie again, and I don't hld much hope for The Asian Connection or The Perfect Weapon either.
Good interview with Code Of Honor director. Some interesting bits too.