Wow...CODE OF HONOUR is on UK TV right now (Moviemix) It was only released in June?
This is one of my favourite Seagal movies (theatrical or otherwise) It's a genuine bad-ass role for him. The twist was pretty good, marred only (as you said) by the CGI blood and not enough Seagal fights (perhaps they should have filmed Seagal in all of Craig Sheffers fightscenes too, given the 'duality' theme) then perhaps intercut them in at the end. As it was they merely had Sheffer reinact some of Seagals kills, in the final 'reveal'?I watched this for the first time last night. I enjoyed it. A good role for Seagal, being able to creep in the shadows, not having to move around quickly except for the stunt double at the end who jumps through the glass pane.
It was perhaps 10 minutes too long but it was well-acted, had a nice atmosphere and slightly exceeded the small amount of hand-to-hand combat I expected. You even get used to the CGI blood, which was at its worst at the start.
This is one of my favourite Seagal movies (theatrical or otherwise) It's a genuine bad-ass role for him. The twist was pretty good, marred only (as you said) by the CGI blood and not enough Seagal fights (perhaps they should have filmed Seagal in all of Craig Sheffers fightscenes too, given the 'duality' theme) then perhaps intercut them in at the end. As it was they merely had Sheffer reinact some of Seagals kills, in the final 'reveal'?