

I read an dutch pc magazine and your site was named in this artikle.
I will scan it and put it on this site.

hahah i can do that, but can`t read it.
Sorry. But is was a nice artikel aboud steven and his music and band.
Mayby i translate it and put it on my one site.

I thought you wanted to know.

Love Connie


Master Of Disaster
Staff member
Connie said:
I read an dutch pc magazine and your site was named in this artikle.
I will scan it and put it on this site.

hahah i can do that, but can`t read it.
Sorry. But is was a nice artikel aboud steven and his music and band.
Mayby i translate it and put it on my one site.

I thought you wanted to know.

Love Connie


Welk PC blad? Wel scannen en hier posten, bewijst dat zelfs in vakbladen deze site bekend is en geroemd wordt.

For all English readers: Post the article!!!!




hi allen,
Eindelijk eens een positief woord over onze Steven werdt ook wel eens tijd.
Ik heb hier het artikel. Ik heb het over getypt.
Ik hoop dat er iemand is die het wil vertalen in het engels. Dan is het voor iedereen leesbaar.
Ik heb er de komende dagen geen tijd voor. alvast bedankt.

Geniet er van.

Liefs Connie

Geluk is niet te koop
Mag ik u opmerkzaam maken op de nieuwsgroepen-zoekmachine Graag! Het nadeel van de nieuwsgroepen, als je ze vergelijkt met de p2p-netwerken, is dat het niet eenvoudig is om te vinden watje zoekt. Bij een p2p-programma als KaZaA of LimeWire zeg je gewoon wat je hebben wilt, waarna de treffers enkele tellen later tevoorschijn komen. Kom daar maar eens om in de nieuwsgroepen, want dan moet je eerst een hooiberg opstapelen (= alle headers downloaden), voordat je op zoek kunt gaan naar de spreekwoordelijke speld (= die ene treffer). Enfin, als u Binsearch.Info gebruikt in combinatie met NewsLeecher ( dan kunt u automatisch NZB-bestanden laten creëren die precies voldoende informatie bevatten om de binaire bestanden te downloaden, zodat het niet nodig is om uw nieuwsgroeplezer eerst vol te proppen met headers. Zó -en niet anders -werk ik dan ook tegenwoordig.
Tot mijn vaste routines behoort het invoeren van zoekwoorden als (elke gek heef z'n gebrek) Sylvester Stallone, Jean-Claude van Damme, Arnold Schwarzenegger en Steven Seagal. Al sinds de jaren 80 kan ik (zoals de lezer weet) geen genoeg krijgen van het oeuvre van deze karakteracteurs en als u wilt weten hoe dat precies zit, dan adviseer ik het volgende inter-
netadres: Van Steven Seagal
( wist ik dat er een nieuwe toekomstige klassieker was uitgekomen en dus was ik razend benieuwd naar Mercenary For Justice. Dit magnum opus dat een niemendalletje als- noem eens wat- Once upon a Time in the West ver achter zich laat, bleek de moeite van het downloaden en inbranden helemaal waard te zijn. Ik heb genoten!!! En...
Laat Steven Seagal (een wonderbaarlijk multitalent) zich nu ook hebben gestort op een muzikale carrière. Ja, van de Steven Seagal Blues Band zult u in de komende jaren nog véél te
horen krijgen! Tip: check de komende maanden de glossy vrouwenbladen maar eens!
Via wederom Binsearch.Info kon ik een aantal gloeiend hete mp3's downloaden en ik
kan u verklappen dat de Steven Seagal-versie van de song Hoochie Coochie Man de Blueslegende Muddy Waters ( doet verbleken; en dat wil wat zeg-
gen ...Merk op: de muzikale kameleon Elvis Costello –die heeft een superneusje voor trends
-is óók al aan het schrijven geslagen. Geluk is niet te koop, mensen. Maar wèl te downloaden!


Die Hard Seagal fan!
Dit is een leuk artikel connie, vooral omdat ik zelf altijd gebruik om mijn NZB'tjes te maken en te downloaden voor wat ik precies wil downloaden ;)!!!

Bedankt voor dit geweldige en leuke artikel Connie!!!

greets take-sensei


Die Hard Seagal fan!
It's the Dutch language, but it isn't difficult to learn, speak or write in it, I swear it Jazz... ;)


Staff member
Thanks for the article, any chance of an English translation? I saw the site in a UK internet magazine once. :)


Master Of Disaster
Staff member
My translation including Connie's comments:

Hi everybody,

Finally some positive words about our Steven, it's about time.
I've got the article here and typed it over.

Hopefully someone can translate it to English so that everybody can read it. I haven't got the time for it now.

Enjoy it,

Love Connie

Luck isn't for sale
May I turn your attentiont to the newsgroup-search engine ? Yes please! The downside of newsgroups, compare to P2P-networks, is that it isn't easy to find what your looking for.
With a P2P-program like KaZaA or LimeWire just type in what you want and seconds later you've got all the hits. Try this in a newsgroup and you have to build yourself a garbagedump of headers before you can find the proverbial pin. (that on hit). In short, when you use in combination with Newsleecher ( you will be able to create automatically NZB-files that contain just enough info to download the binairy files and you don't have to jam up your newsgroupreader with headers. This - and no other way- is the way I work these days.

My usual routine contains entering keywords such as (every fool has his flaws) Sylvester Stallone, Jean-Claude van Damme, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Steven Seagal.

Already since the 80's I can't (as you readers know) get enough of the work of these character-actors and if you want to know the whole story, then I advise you to visit this website: I knew that Steven Seagal ( had released a future classic and so I was very curious to Mercenary For Justice. This masterpiece, that puts a flimsy movie as - what pops to mind - Once upon a Time in the West to shame, was well worth the download and burn. I've enjoyed it!!! And.....

Steven Seagal (a supernatural multi-talent) has also ventured into a musical career. Yes, you will be hearing a lot the coming years from The Steven Seagal Blues Band. One tip: check out the glossy women-magazines the coming months!
Again through I was able to download some glowing hot mp3's and I can say that Steven Seagal version of Hoochie Coochie Man makes the Blues legen Muddy Waters ( look like a turned down idols-candidate and that means something....Notice: the musical cameleon Elvis Costello - who has a supernose for trends - has also taken up writing.

Luck ain't for sale people. But you can download it!


Looks like he thinks is the official site:D .



Master Of Disaster
Staff member
Craig Robertson said:
Thanks for the translation. :)

You're welcome.

According to Connie this article has been in a PC-magazine, this could mean this site could get more visitors and maybe more members.



Well-Known Member
take-sensei said:
It's the Dutch language, but it isn't difficult to learn, speak or write in it, I swear it Jazz... ;)

Well, I believe you...Then, I´ll try to learn a bit.You´ll see in a couple of weeks...


Well-Known Member
Kotegashi said:
Luck isn't for sale
May I turn your attentiont to the newsgroup-search engine ? Yes please! The downside of newsgroups, compare to P2P-networks, is that it isn't easy to find what your looking for.
With a P2P-program like KaZaA or LimeWire just type in what you want and seconds later you've got all the hits. Try this in a newsgroup and you have to build yourself a garbagedump of headers before you can find the proverbial pin. (that on hit). In short, when you use in combination with Newsleecher ( you will be able to create automatically NZB-files that contain just enough info to download the binairy files and you don't have to jam up your newsgroupreader with headers. This - and no other way- is the way I work these days.

My usual routine contains entering keywords such as (every fool has his flaws) Sylvester Stallone, Jean-Claude van Damme, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Steven Seagal.

Already since the 80's I can't (as you readers know) get enough of the work of these character-actors and if you want to know the whole story, then I advise you to visit this website: I knew that Steven Seagal ( had released a future classic and so I was very curious to Mercenary For Justice. This masterpiece, that puts a flimsy movie as - what pops to mind - Once upon a Time in the West to shame, was well worth the download and burn. I've enjoyed it!!! And.....

Steven Seagal (a supernatural multi-talent) has also ventured into a musical career. Yes, you will be hearing a lot the coming years from The Steven Seagal Blues Band. One tip: check out the glossy women-magazines the coming months!
Again through I was able to download some glowing hot mp3's and I can say that Steven Seagal version of Hoochie Coochie Man makes the Blues legen Muddy Waters ( look like a turned down idols-candidate and that means something....Notice: the musical cameleon Elvis Costello - who has a supernose for trends - has also taken up writing.

Luck ain't for sale people. But you can download it!


Looks like he thinks is the official site:D .


I don´t like the article.At least talk about the web.But all that stuff of the peer-to-peer and the way he talks ´bout Steven...


Staff member
Mama san said:
Could it be because we apparently have a lot more information
for members/fans of Steven Seagal than the "offical site" does?:D
Just a thought!
God bless,
Mama san
The official site is much better now. I visit quite often now.


Well. It is somthing positive about Steven. OK it is a ptp link. But they named steven.
Steven is not realy greet person in holland. And all the criticy write not good about him they see him as a B- actor. So we most be glad that they write so good about his music.

And that is what i wanted to show and i want to show that craig site was named and not the official site.

why i must defent myself??

Sorry i let you down latinojazz. But for holland this is good news.

And Thanks Kotagashi to translate it for me.

Love Connie


Die Hard Seagal fan!
Connie said:
Well. It is somthing positive about Steven. OK it is a ptp link. But they named steven.
Steven is not realy greet person in holland. And all the criticy write not good about him they see him as a B- actor. So we most be glad that they write so good about his music.

And that is what i wanted to show and i want to show that craig site was named and not the official site.

why i must defent myself??

Sorry i let you down latinojazz. But for holland this is good news.

And Thanks Kotagashi to translate it for me.

Love Connie
Yes you're right about that Connie, and I'm really really glad that the once give a postive review about Steven!!! And this is indeed good news for Holland!!! Thank you for showing this article to us Connie, I've read it with pleasure!!! :)

greets take-sensei