Drill Punches?

Donald Lee Wilkey

A Steven Seagal fan
Heard from a close friend of mine that he participated in a martial arts demonstration with some aikido students and their instructor. My friend studies southern praying mantis kung fu, and he commented that the aikido students and instructor couldn't grasp the 'drill punches' from him and his southern praying mantis instructor's offense, and my friend and his instructor defeated the aikido practitioners at this demonstration. What's your opinions? :confused:

Donald Lee Wilkey

A Steven Seagal fan
To my estimation, i'd have to say, defeated the aikido practitioners with the speed of the drill punches from years of training in southern style praying mantis kung fu(at that demonstration, was more advanced in kung fu levels than the aikido levels). I didn't get the full details if this demonstration was full contact or just within inches of making contact. But from what expalined by my friend, the aikdio practitioners couldn't grab and apply joint locks to the southern praying mantis kung fu punches, or even flip the kung fu practitioners or unbalance them. Now my friend has claimed that he has learned of 'flowing energy/chi' exercises with southern style praying mantis kung fu, and this could be the reason why the aikidoists were humbled at that past demonstration. Perhaps these aikidoists didn't study the ki exercises in accordance with their years of aikido in their dojo? What say ye' ?

Beyond Hope

New Member
Ive found that it is really hard to take a wristlock,such a kotegaeshi, when a person is punching quickly at you. It is much easier to spin around behind nage and grab his collar ( or use an atemi). One other thing I have noticed. Don't grab the wrist at the full extention of the punch, but rather moving harmoniously with nage, grab the wrist as he retracts his punch, his force will work with you. In any event, defeat usually makes one better. I'll bet the Aikidoka have stepped up their training, to prepare for next time.