It's beautiful

Donald Lee Wilkey

A Steven Seagal fan
how aikidoka can defend themselves from sitting down to standing up and still be centered and evade, deflect, and defeat oncoming attackers
Does anyone know of any mixed martial arts practitioners or UFC fighters training under Steven Seagal besides Anderson Silva?


Master Of Disaster
Staff member
You cann't.

In the moment of standing up there are a few short seconds you are shifting your balance and are vulnerable.

Usually you'll see an aikidoka defend himself sitting and when he has created some space around him he will then get up. The moment he is standing, he is again balanced and centered and ready for the next attack.

I think you can see this in a randori attack in Path Beyond Thought. Seagal is sitting down and first deflects his three attackers, creating space and time and then he gets up and is ready for the next defence.
