
hey folks

new member, looking for some bone breaking seagal chat.
i'm currently in the midst of a project to watch all the films - any suggestions for double bills would be welcomed.



Well-Known Member
Enjoy your time here...and...most of Seagals films pair well together...BUT....when you go to watch Attack Force...

be prepared....some really, REALLY bad voice over work in that movie....

(I laughed so hard, my family thought I was watching a comedy...lol)


Staff member
Welcome to the site. His earliest work is best. Most DTV releases are not too good with the exception of Pistol Whipped, Urban Justice, The Keeper, etc.
thanks folks.

my wee Monday Seagal Film Club has already been through all of the early stuff and are very much onto the DTV ones now (although we still have Exit Wounds and Half Past Dead to watch as part of the club, but have seen these before).

Of the DTVs we've seen Belly of the Beast, Out of Reach (what an experience that was!), Into the Sun, Submerged, Mercenary for Justice, Shadow Man and Urban/Renegade Justice.

We've made a few purchases recently and are in line to watch: The Patriot, Ticker, Today You Die, Pistol Whipped, Against the Dark, Driven to Kill and the Keeper. Between us we've seen a few of them individually already.