news of reach and sun


Steven Seagal Fan
I must be as confused as Lotussan because I also thought that it was done. That's good to know Leon. Thanks.


I Belong To Steven
Thanks, Leon! That's really great news...:)
I imagine Steven's next move is the Bollywood thing in India...
Just me, ever curious about his travels, and most importantly his safety...



How is that it looks like Unleashed will not be made? I don't understand how you can conclude that justice808.

I am actually looking forward to Unleashed (you might want to read my thread on "Savage Promising Unleashed ... Ringo Lam Unleashed In Hell").


"Lookin fit Nelson"
I hope he loses weight and acts like Nico Toscani in it...No wires, no new age bs...Straight up Seagal asskicking, if its not it'll just be another crappy movie that probably should have been STV and will do nothing to help Steven. Lets hope!
yudansha said:
How is that it looks like Unleashed will not be made? I don't understand how you can conclude that justice808.

I am actually looking forward to Unleashed (you might want to read my thread on "Savage Promising Unleashed ... Ringo Lam Unleashed In Hell").

Yudansha,I have just responded to your thread.

For the record,I was also looking forward to Unleashed.


And I'm looking forward to a Seagal's next move.
Hey is that true that some of Sun's scenes are gonna be filmed in Turkey?
Suzi,arrange me a place there in case it's gonna happen.I'm pretty sure he's never gonna come to Estonia so it's me who should make a move.:D
thanks Rastafari for the news,

Maybe Christian Dugay (Director at the begenning of the project) is better for Steven Seagal because he has more experience as director compared to mink. But Antoine Fuqua (for example) is a young director and for me he is great (Training Day is a great movie)
What do you think???


I Belong To Steven
I know nothing of directors...Hmmm...
Oh well, I have endless faith in Steven, he can charm the pants off of anyone...:D
Oops, that sounded downright dirty! :eek:
Sorry, I wasn't being literal, at least not as far as the director is concerned, hehehe...;)
Who knows...maybe this Mink guy is gonna be the next Antoine Fuqua!Now that is not bad at all.I think Mink has already directed one action film with Buster Rhymes.
justice808 said:
Who knows...maybe this Mink guy is gonna be the next Antoine Fuqua!Now that is not bad at all.I think Mink has already directed one action film with Buster Rhymes.

Yea, but Busta Rymes is no Denzel Washington and I doubt Mink is another Antoine.If into the Sun is getting a $35 mil budget they should have gotten at least a decent director or even let Seagal try his hand at it again. I'd trust that more than someone named Mink(this dude dont even have a real name)
Mike,perhaps they got this Mink guy to direct to give it a more urban flavour 'a 'la Exit Wounds?Who knows?Either way I still have high hopes for this film.Mink may surpsise us all.
justice808 said:
Mike,perhaps they got this Mink guy to direct to give it a more urban flavour 'a 'la Exit Wounds?Who knows?Either way I still have high hopes for this film.Mink may surpsise us all.

Full Clip is his first movie out of the shoot with Busta Rymes. I'm not impressed with that as a starting point..He is gonna have to change my mind because i did have high expectations for Into the Sun as well but its just been a lot of bad news on this film for about 6 months now..Two or three directors dropped out and the budget dropped a few times and its now looking like another STV film(I hope not).


Is this better rather than worse?:D
Ah...I wish I knew it was better...But I've never heard of this guy,I wonder why.