Out For a Kill and Belly of the Beast reviews


New Member
I'm not too sure if this one's been on here before but he it is, side-by-side reviews of his latest film and really on-the-button concerning the wrongs of Out For a Kill and all the rights about Belly of the Beast. It reminded me of the part in the shootout where he dives out of the train and then rides along the rails on a cart while shooting at the bad guys, truly classic stuff!



I Belong To Steven
So called wrongs are hard to determine, because who is the judge?
In my opinion, one should not point out anothers shortcomings, doing that is not very charitable...
Because no-one is perfect...
Besides Sensei's films are a very collaborative effort, so something that is "wrong" cannot all fall on Steven's shoulders...
I like to appreciate his many efforts, and I don't think one should cast stones at anyone unless they could do better...
And even if one could, bragging is not a very nice thing to do in the first place...
We need to help eachother gently, by example...
If we cannot do that, then we must keep in mind we have work to do for ourselves, before we worry about the imperfections of others...
Not saying I think Steven is imperfect, to me he is soooo amazing...
He is my perfect teacher...:)
And I am not trying to be critical of you either, just pointing out a few things about being critical...
I just won't sit here and let anyone hurt him, or down grade his wonderful efforts....
Sorry if that is a flaw that I have...


I Belong To Steven
My point is, I know you are just giving a link, but why point out these ridiculous reviews, the ones who as TD says are not from a reliable source and I agree, some of these review sites are rubbish, and written by what seems to be any joe off the internet...


New Member
Belly of the Beast

I pointed it out more for the good review of Belly of the Beast rather than the lesser one of Out For a Kill.


I Belong To Steven
Sorry if I'm being sensitive, but you know me...
The BOTB was wasn't all that nice either...
Oh well, I guess I just can't be objective enough...
But that doesn't mean I'm not honest, I just don't like to dwell on the so called negatives, is that so wrong?
I just know how hurt I get sometimes, and I don't want to do that to anyone, least of all to Sensei...:)


New Member

No worries, you know I'm one of his biggest fans and I like you don't like to dwell on the negatives either. With Seagal films there aren't usually any negatives anyway. I was just pleased to see a Belly of the Beast review where I felt the good points shone through and unlike many other people he didn't jump on the bandwagon as much to complain and criticise. I wish the Out of Reach trailer would hurry up I can't wait much longer!

Reservoir Dog

Belly of the Beast was a good movie. Out for a kill wasnt. Its not surprising the critic felt this way in his review. I too, am waiting for an"Out of reach" trailer. Where should we be looking to find one?


Reservoir Dog said:
Belly of the Beast was a good movie. Out for a kill wasnt. Its not surprising the critic felt this way in his review. I too, am waiting for an"Out of reach" trailer. Where should we be looking to find one?

Mason, one of our great contributing members, has been kind enough to share this link with us and said he would be checking for the trailer regularly. Mason, as well are several other members, are usally pretty quick with good news like this, so I'm sure as soon as it's available we'll know here. :)


(P.S. I just checked. It's not there yet. :D )


Above The Law
steve said:
I'm not too sure if this one's been on here before but he it is, side-by-side reviews of his latest film and really on-the-button concerning the wrongs of Out For a Kill and all the rights about Belly of the Beast. It reminded me of the part in the shootout where he dives out of the train and then rides along the rails on a cart while shooting at the bad guys, truly classic stuff!


Thanks for posting Steve, I think Belly Of The Beast is Seagal's 2nd worst movie ever behind Ticker.

Donald Lee Wilkey

A Steven Seagal fan
Out For a Kill, i enjoyed the qi gong, chi, ki, and or flowing energy performed in this film.
Very powerful scenes displayed by Steven Seagal. With every new movie, Steven shares with us fans the never-ending ways to defend one's self in all his films!