So called wrongs are hard to determine, because who is the judge?
In my opinion, one should not point out anothers shortcomings, doing that is not very charitable...
Because no-one is perfect...
Besides Sensei's films are a very collaborative effort, so something that is "wrong" cannot all fall on Steven's shoulders...
I like to appreciate his many efforts, and I don't think one should cast stones at anyone unless they could do better...
And even if one could, bragging is not a very nice thing to do in the first place...
We need to help eachother gently, by example...
If we cannot do that, then we must keep in mind we have work to do for ourselves, before we worry about the imperfections of others...
Not saying I think Steven is imperfect, to me he is soooo amazing...
He is my perfect teacher...
And I am not trying to be critical of you either, just pointing out a few things about being critical...
I just won't sit here and let anyone hurt him, or down grade his wonderful efforts....
Sorry if that is a flaw that I have...