Programme on Aikido


Staff member
The Canadian History channel (History Television) has been running a series called Deadly Arts, and it's a good thing I checked the listings because they ran the segment on Aikido tonight! I read the blurb about it, and Sensei's presence is conspicuous by its absence - grrrr!

If you want to see the blurb, go to and click on "Deadly Arts".

I taped it this evening whilst engaged in another matter, so I'm off now to watch it.

-TD, still wanting Path Beyond Thought


Staff member
Amos Stevens said:
Thanks for the info TD

You're welcome, Suzi and Amos and all.

I watched the programme after my other thing was done, and it was really interesting.

One thing I found of special interest was the ease in which the unfortunate attackers (uke?) were tossed about like rag dolls. It put me in mind of that awful Spy magazine article where it states somewhere that the demo that Steven put on for the studio execs was a put up job because there was no way the attackers could fly through the air like that unless they let him throw them - that it was all "staged".

The writers of that article should have seen that short bit of footage with O Sensei throwing people around when he was, like, what, 80? 90 years old? In the programme they also showed tiny little girls throwing around men half again as big as they were like they were nothing. It's what aikido is, (sez TD to the idiots who contributed to that article).

And it was pretty cool, I thought.


TDWoj said:
You're welcome, Suzi and Amos and all.

I watched the programme after my other thing was done, and it was really interesting.

One thing I found of special interest was the ease in which the unfortunate attackers (uke?) were tossed about like rag dolls. It put me in mind of that awful Spy magazine article where it states somewhere that the demo that Steven put on for the studio execs was a put up job because there was no way the attackers could fly through the air like that unless they let him throw them - that it was all "staged".

The writers of that article should have seen that short bit of footage with O Sensei throwing people around when he was, like, what, 80? 90 years old? In the programme they also showed tiny little girls throwing around men half again as big as they were like they were nothing. It's what aikido is, (sez TD to the idiots who contributed to that article).

And it was pretty cool, I thought.

Sounds interesting TD. So when are you going to sign up for classes?? ;) It's a great art for women to take up.


Staff member
kokoro said:
Sounds interesting TD. So when are you going to sign up for classes?? ;) It's a great art for women to take up.

As always, the issue is money. Don't have any. And time and distance - if I'd taken that apartment downtown when offered, I would have been quite close to a dojo, which offered lessons at reasonable prices.

Better hope that next year a) I get work fairly regularly and b) I get offered another apartment in the same complex.

-TD, thinking that if wishes were horses, she'd still be bankrupt because it would be so expensive to board and feed all those horses....


Fingers crossed TD!

Have a Happy Xmas and enjoy your little prezzy under the tree :cool:

In Heart, Mind & Spirit