Question about Steven's hair


New Member
I noticed in some of his older pictures his hair was thinning pretty badly on the top of his head. Anyone know if he wears some sort of hairpiece or did he have hair transplants?


Steve's Destiny
Could be...In Hollywood just about everyone is some % fake.
I don't mind...if guys don't mind fake breasts.


New Member
I don't mind either. I ask because I have long hair too, and mine is thinning just a little bit in the front. When I tie it straight back like his you can kinda see it. Whatever he had done looks really natural.


Darryl said:
I don't mind either. I ask because I have long hair too, and mine is thinning just a little bit in the front. When I tie it straight back like his you can kinda see it. Whatever he had done looks really natural.

Maybe he is taking that medications that is out now by prescription, my son is taking it, his fathers family all have that problem.


Call me silly but what has his hair got to do with his acting ability?...did you ever think thats the way he has it cut....but you think what you like...


Call me silly but what has his hair got to do with his acting ability?...did you ever think thats the way he has it cut....but you think what you like...

Heather nothing takes away from that package!!


big gulps huh
he wears a hair piece its obvious, he had little hair up front and now has a thick hair line. NO MEDICINE could grow it back, Propecia, Rogaine, all that junk only works on the back of the head not the front and only for 5 years.

But its not really a big deal tons of actors have them but I would like to see him without it, I think he would cool kinda like Sean Connery.


New Member
Call me silly but what has his hair got to do with his acting ability?...did you ever think thats the way he has it cut....but you think what you like...

Wow, talk about putting words into someones mouth.. I don't recall saying anything about his acting ability, I just wanted to know what he had done to his hair..


New Member

I certainly don't think he wears a hairpiece, I assume it's implants and black hair dye. I'll probably do the same one day but I don't mind it if he does as it still looks really cool.


Incarnation complete
Just strayin a little,when I watched hero you could see the pull back moulding gel around jets hair line and also blade had felt marker to make perfect line for hair design.Who knows what steven has done once finished with the make up girls...


Staff member
I have a problem with his hair from the back of the neck !!! I don't like !!! :mad:
I wrote several times...
This is not a secret, I DON'T LIKE HIS HAIR FROM HIS BACK OF THE NECK !!!!

Please Steven, cut or tie them..... !!



suziwong said:
I have a problem with his hair from the back of the neck !!! I don't like !!! :mad:
I wrote several times...
This is not a secret, I DON'T LIKE HIS HAIR FROM HIS BACK OF THE NECK !!!!

Please Steven, cut or tie them..... !!


If you have requested I am surprised he hasn't done it yet!! ;)
I know he love's his Suzi!! :cool: :cool:


Jace said:
Just strayin a little,when I watched hero you could see the pull back moulding gel around jets hair line and also blade had felt marker to make perfect line for hair design.Who knows what steven has done once finished with the make up girls...

Hush Jace!!! The line is long enough don't throw others in!

everyone is right, we don't care what he does to his hair, he will always be gorgeous!

Time hits us all somewhere,(me it has been several places) I think it has been kind to him! The more time that goes by the better he looks!


Staff member
Yes, he is always handsome, gorgeous, charismatic, awesome, special, unbelieveble... etc... OK I have no objection !!!!!

but his hair from the back of the neck very very bad and I don't likeeeeeeeeeee !!! :mad:




suziwong said:
Yes, he is always handsome, gorgeous, charismatic, awesome, special, unbelieveble... etc... OK I have no objection !!!!!

but his hair from the back of the neck very very bad and I don't likeeeeeeeeeee !!! :mad:


Suzi, tonight when he goes to sleep cut his hair from the back!! :D :D

Maybe it will make him mad and we will stand a chance!!!!! ;) ;)


Staff member
Lollipop said:
Suzi, tonight when he goes to sleep cut his hair from the back!! :D :D

Maybe it will make him mad and we will stand a chance!!!!! ;) ;)

hihihihihihii !!! good idea.. I will enter his bedroom and I will cut his hair.. He kills me this time exactly !! :D he chrushs me..!! He eats me .. !!! chews me !!!:D birrrrrrrrr !! He is a big man and I am small !!!

I have another good idea.. I will call our Ms.M. and I will say. May be she does huh ?? what are you thinking ?? :D