Seagal named TIME Magazine's Man of the Year!


I Belong To Steven
OOh, yes Heather...Nice big hugs from Steven, oh wow, that is
something to wish for...It's ok, send me a message anytime...:)


Lotussan said:
OOh, yes Heather...Nice big hugs from Steven, oh wow, that is
something to wish for...It's ok, send me a message anytime...:)

Hey thanks, thats what friends are here for to pick you up when you are down...
I got a message from a guy called Jacko Seagal wanted to know more about Stevens latest movie so i passed him onto others on the forum.
He has got a cool name eh, note the name "SEAGAL" i wonder huh???
He is from england, lets see if he will write again....lotsa luv from Heather.