Six Degrees of Steven Seagal


Staff member
Just the Toronto movie industry - in fact, come to think of it, I've got at least one more, the girlfriend of a friend of mine who works as camera crew on film sets here in Toronto, but I don't think she did Exit Wounds (at least, I didn't see her name on the credits for the crew).

However, I might just have another - I was at a conference planning meeting yesterday where I met the "film guy" who's got a lot of contacts in the business, though mostly with Alliance/Atlantis. I was dragged away by my boss to look at the venue I'm in charge of before I could get up close and personal with him about how deep do his contacts go... but I'll get him next time!

The trouble with Steven's last few films is that they've been all over the world, so unless he comes back to Toronto to make another film, it'll be hard to track down someone who knows someone who knows....


I bet he'll come to Estonia next.And then I'll be back to associate with the video studio I used to attend before.


Staff member
Originally posted by Storm
I think Steven would think twice until the SARS virus is under control!;)

Why would that stop him? He was in Beijing at the time when SARS was rampaging through that city, far worse than it was here in Toronto. The fact is that the American media, to a large extent aided and abetted by the Canadian media whose favourite pasttime is bashing Toronto whenever possible, completely blew the whole thing out of proportion. This totally overblown hysteria by the media prompted the WHO advisory that's now damaged our city economically so badly, it's unlikely to recover any time soon. We've lost tourists, we've lost films, we've lost conventions - and for what?

The fact of the matter is that visitors to Toronto have about much chance of getting SARS as they do of meeting an alligator wandering free around down town.

I'm just so annoyed about this whole SARS mess and the constant attacks we've been receiving in the media about it, it's hurt my city and I'm angry that people are *still* bashing my city because of it!

Sorry for ranting; but SARS is a sore subject, made worse because there's nothing I can do about it except try and put people straight.


I Belong To Steven
ok, but we still can't help worrying about Steven...Bejing may not be so safe...I guess he's a big boy though, and a smart cookie...:)


Smile dammit!
Ok, no offence. I have a friend in Toronto and it doesn't seem to bother him much. I was just speculating.:)


Everything's gonna be hunky-dory.We've got Steven on our minds for good and he sure got it for good.


Staff member
Originally posted by Storm
Ok, no offence. I have a friend in Toronto and it doesn't seem to bother him much. I was just speculating.:)

Okay - that's the biggest problem, though, is 'speculating'. Fact is, folks here in Toronto are not worried about getting SARS, but we've been so badly hammered by the media, particularly CNN, that it's getting to us a lot more than the actual SARS issue. A slight paranoia about the whole business is to be expected under the circumstances....


I Belong To Steven
That's the media, don't you all know they tend to do that with everything...It's just the norm for them to blow things way put of proportion...A tiny grain of sand it all they need to really get something going...:rolleyes:


Staff member
And not caring about the harm they do, either.

I hope this nonsense will all go away soon.

Oh, just saw the 'Revenge of the Celebrity Assistants' tonight, and our Steven being silly over Arissa.

Ahem. No comment.

-T, practicing to become a certain celebrity's assistant....


I Belong To Steven
:confused: What is 'Revenge of the Celebrity Assistants' anyway, TD? Something on TV? And what do you mean Steven was being silly? (Lotus, who is easily confused...)


Staff member
Oh, it was that show that - was it John? - was talking about - that finally aired here. It was on Star TV here, and was an E! production, the one where they talked about the jobs celebrity assistants have, and how sometimes the assistant ends up taking over the star's relationships. In one segment they talked about stars and nannies, Robin Williams and his nanny being one, and Steven and Arissa being another. It had the "I just met her tonight" line (big smile) with Arissa (with lots and lots and lots of breast showing) standing by saying nothing and looking like the cat that swallowed the canary.
