Thou Shall not kill?


Thanks, Amos. What an amusing article! It's nice to see our Mr. Seagal's request was pretty tame compared to, say, the list of Rolling Stone demands. Doesn't sound like too much to ask for, does it? Bagging an elk, yet. Does this man's talents have any limits?

Amos Stevens

New Member
You're welcome..I'm just surprised with their saying that he "killed" an animal after all the religious beliefs of not taking a life?


Good point, Amos. Trinity also just brought up in a different forum the fact that he wears leather quite a bit. I believe you all are much more knowledgable on his beliefs (I'm still learning), but is he an admitted hunter? Is this something that he has discussed as being a hobby?


Smile dammit!
I've never heard of him being anti-hunting anyway. It would make him a hypocrite to wear leather so i think we can assume the article is correct. Shooting a defenceless animal sucks.

Amos Stevens

New Member
Well I think this if the first time I have heard reference to him hunting...and having read some of the Tibetan Buddhism-you aren't suppose to kill the smallest animal-even though everyone does when you walk down the street.


I Belong To Steven
He hunts? Wow, I never knew that, but then what do I know?
I don't even like to go out on a hunting, camping or fishing trip, ick...
Too many insects...
Ticks are the absoulute worst, lots of them here...
I guess it's a guy thing, and they can have it...
That is a bit contradictory since he's a buddhist, but then I am not one to judge...
My grandfather was a cattle rancher for years after he retired from the Airforce, and all the meat he ate was killed especially for him...
I wear leather too...And I am eating meat all the time now, because I am doing the Atkins Diet...
But I really don't like to kill anything, unless it's a big spider because I am so terrified of them...


My Hero.
Alrighty then.My question may be answered:) It probably has more to do with common sense in that the way animals are treated when going to slaughter is very different then hunting your own with compasion in the kill and utilizing the whole animal.Thou Shalt Not Kill was actually Thou Shalt Not Do Murder.If it were the other way we all would be in trouble:)


Smile dammit!
I eat meat and aren't a veggie or anything but to see a beautiful animal like a deer shot for fun is bad. We have fox hunters here who use the pathetic excuse that they are controlling vermin for setting a pack of hounds on it to rip it to bits. In reality, it's a passtime for toffs.


I Belong To Steven
Are you calling him a toff, what the heck is a toff, anyway?
I agree it's not my idea of something fun or meaningful to do either, but boys will be boys...
I feel very sorry for the animals, and I hope they never know when it's coming...


My Hero.
I say hunting for a head on the wall NO,hunting for food YES.If the skin is used for blankets and/ or clothing even better.:)


come get some
Well, assuming the story is true and he did go out hunting... I imagine Seagal is more against overt cruelty to animals than he is interested in being a vegan. Believe it or not, it IS possible to eat meat yet still be compassionate towards animals. If you kill with minimum pain caused to the animal and make sure you use every part of the animal that you can so that nothing is wasted (food, pelt, bones, whatever you can), then personally I see nothing wrong with it. Hunt to eat- it's a way of life that people have all over the world. At the same time, I do not doubt for a second that Seagal would hate "unnecessary" types of hunting such as the cruel fox hunting practiced in some parts of the world.

And besides, am I remembering it wrong or was he clearly eating some kind of baloney/meat sandwich in the cafeteria in Exit Wounds? either way, I guess I just always took him for a meat eater... Regardless of what Buddhism says, the only way he would be contradicting himself would be if he ever clearly stated that he doesn't eat meat, which he hasn't ever stated AFAIK.


I Belong To Steven
He could very well eat meat, vanity fair said something like that...
And yes Exit Wounds showed him eating a sandwich, though it could have been soy meat, that is quite common nowadays...
I eat meat too since I am doing atkins but I still have compassion for animals...