Hi, this is my first time posting on this board. I've been a big Steven Seagal fan since I was a little kid. The first movie of his that I saw was "Hard To Kill" which I love and is a classic in my house, but the "Under Siege" movies are my all time favorites of his. My question is, on the Internet Movie Database's Steven Seagal page it lists Under Siege 3 as a producer credit and says that the film is in pre-production. Is this true? If so I'm really happy because I've been waiting to here some official news on this film which I've been looking forward to for a long time. One thing that worry's me is that it's listed as a producing credit for Steven but not acting. I hope Steven is playing Casey Ryback again. I hate it when they make sequels with a different actor playing someone else's character. If Steven Seagal isn't the star of Under Siege 3 I don't think it should be made and I won't go see unless he's in it.