Very nasty article about Steven!!!


New Member
A very biased article from about Steven. Don't go ballistic Lotusussan but the very nasty writer says that Stven's interview with President Gloria Arroyo of the Phillipines was cancelled because Steven smelled very strongly of alcohol. It's a very negative article similar to news I heard in Taiwan that Steven was drinking too often and his health might be declining. He also could be very tired with all his travel. I'm just passing the word on. In Taiwan they were saying his weight may be related to drinking. A lot of the people there are very big fans of Steven.

Reservoir Dog

That article has appeared on this site before. Maybe Seagal does like to drink... so what? Nothing wrong with having a drink if you do it responsibly. Besides, if i remember correctly, the author of that article doesnt like Seagal anyway, hes just jealous. Anyway, he has the right to gain weight if he wishes to. I dont care if he is overweight, just as long as he puts out good movies and doesnt overuse the stunt doubles. Steven will always be number one, and those who are jealous and critical of him can go to... well, you know where.

Reservoir Dog

I looked for it and found this posted by Serena about a month ago. I assume its the same article its from ABS-CBN NEWS

Who’s got what in the elections
May 9, 2004

Whoever it was in the administration Lakas-CMD-ATM party who thought up the absolute no-brainer of wheeling out that faded and bloated Hollywood actor Steven Seagal to endorse their presidential candidate on the home stretch needs to be hung, drawn and quartered -- pronto.

The fact that President Gloria Arroyo -- if the two so far famous but possibly soon-to-be infamous survey outfits are correct -- appears headed for victory, albeit by a hair, needs no words of support from Tinseltown is beside the point.

Through much of the campaign season Lakas operatives -- for very obvious reasons -- have railed against the suitability of stars of the big screen to seek the tenancy of Malacañang Palace -- and questioned their credibility in seeking political office.

Why, the endearing firebrand Lakas senatorial candidate Miriam Defensor Santiago even took to the courts to question the right of show-biz celebrities to run for public office -- this despite the fact that two of that genre were on the same slate as her.

And then they bring on Seagal to endorse GMA and make her look like a hypocrite?

Former Tourism Secretary Dick Gordon, who valiantly played the role of Seagal’s minder during the actor’s stay in Manila (when Seagal allegedly also got more than an earful from dozens of Filipinos who stormed the Makati hotel where he was billeted and confronted him in the lobby about indulging in partisan politics) should have known better than to insult the intelligence of Filipinos by claiming that Seagal -- a committed Buddhist -- just happened to be in town at the invitation of the Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA) to grace one of its events, and that the government was not picking up the tab for his stay.

If that really was the case, Seagal should have stayed at the YMCA and not in an expensive suite of a luxury five-star hotel where the total cost for Seagal’s three-day visit was probably equivalent to the monthly budget of the financially hard-pressed YMCA.

Lakas piggybacking on the YMCA? Gordon should tell it to the Marines. Or better still, tell it to the Village People.

About the same time that Seagal was in town, another international show-biz celebrity -- though he is truly a class act -- was also here to perform at charity concert in the Araneta Coliseum that was packed to the rafters.

We are talking of the soulful Italian songster Andrea Bocelli, who mesmerized the eager audience representing every facet of Philippine society with his soaring melodious voice.

Naturally, Palace audiences were sought for both Seagal and Bocelli. But while the President’s tight schedule meant that Bocelli never got to meet her, Seagal, at least, did get as far as the Ceremonial Hall at Malacañang.

But our sources tell us that a meeting with the busy GMA was hurriedly aborted when it was discovered that Seagal’s breath smelt of his hotel suite’s entire mini-bar.


I Belong To Steven
It doesn't work for me...
Besides, so what if sometimes he has a drink, he's a big boy...
He is a buddhist, but some of them have it I'm sure, no-one is perfect...
If he did reek when he was meeting her then that's bad on his image...
I am sure it can cause weight gain if done excessively...
I'll never say never, but I hope he's got it under control....
But someone said before it could be the oils he wears that smell like alcohal...
He just needs a good woman, that's all...
Steven, where are you, baby? I love you...
Take care of yourself...


New Member
Thank you Hallarian for the news. I really
don't care what people say about him!
To me, if he chooses to drink, then that
is his business. Whatever he chooses to do
in his life, I will always care and admire this
man forever. I guess the man will always get
bad press, but his true fans will always admire
and care for him!! :D love, kat


Thank you, Hallarian, and thank you for finding that, Reservoir Dog. Boy, you guys don't need 'ol Serena any more, eh? :( :D

Well said, everyone. I think most of us agree we don't believe the majority of the garbage printed about him, but that still shouldn't stop us from posting the different things that do come out, good or bad. We can all make up our own minds. And I personally don't believe a great deal of what I've seen over the years. A blind eye? No, I don't think so. Just faith in someone I have respect and admiration for.


New Member
I think the article is biased by someone who hates him.

But I am concerned for his health which is the concern of most of his Asian fans who talked about the drinking. What he does is his personal business, But I just hate seeing talented people kill themselves.


I Belong To Steven
Think about it, how could he accomplish what he has if he was drunk all the time?
And we all know that most people that drink heavy can't decide when not to...
Besides, that is no-one's business, they are just grasping at straws if you ask me...
And if he does drink, then that's his choice...
I always said he was a rebel, so what?


New Member
Lotus I disagree. Some of the greatest actors like the Barrymores and George C. Scott were alcoholic. Halstead the father of American surgery was an alcoholic and one of the first heroin addicts (he announced it publicly). He got congress to outlaw heroin and was high while inventing some of the first great major surgeies like breast mastectomy. I admire Staven Seagal very much. I would just like to see him healthier. Incidentally I've scrubbed with surgeons in emergencies who were drunk and it was scarey but some were very good.


Thanks Hallarian..for the article i dont wouldnt beleive what there say any way and i refuse to beleive it ..until i hear it from him or his people that he has a problem with drinking..Hell i have a drink now and then but i shouldnt because of my health.but its only now and then ...i like a drink thats called "mead" its a drink with cloves and honey
and you heat it up and drink it..good for sore throats..I think that it is ok having a drink in moderation and he wouldnt be able to work as good as he does if he was "shickered" thats tippsy/under the influenece..But having saying this i will still be here for him through his good times and his bad times..Heather.


I Belong To Steven
Well, like I said, even if he did have a problem, my love is unconditional...:)
It's possible, you never know...
And since we don't know we can't assume anything is wrong, although my heart cries each day not knowing, and thinking that there could be something...
I pray for his health and his happiness, I truly do want that more than anything else...
I want it so much that I want to be the one that is there with him, but I have to wake up sometime and realize it may never happen...
I guess we're getting too personal...


Let me start by saying thanks to Hallarian for finding this...

... O.K. ... well, you know that drinking is not healthy BUT it's not healthy when you do it repeatedly to the extent that you're always drunk. It's not like Steven Seagal gets drunk every week ... and what if he had a party where drinking was involved; is it so bad to end up drunk by the end of such a party? ... also, like some have said already, Seagal's oils (which I know practically nothing about) may be contain alcoholic substances making up the mixture and producing such 'interesting' odour ... since Seagal is a celebrity, and a big one at that, he's always monitored by people wanting to find something 'messy' out of nothing so some have 'caught' SS smelling of alcohol and assume that he has a 'problem' with drinking; but was classifies it as a problem? He maybe an occasional light drinker, or just have that wine with his food ... but I don't think he goes everywhere to get drunk with a plan to meet the president later on while under the influence and perhaps score some points ...