What does L.W. stand for.


What do the initials L.W. stand for on Steven's chef hat?


Mama San

Sometime back there was a person who have several pictures of Steven and he marked each of them with LW. If I'm not mistaken he had a web site. It has been quite some time ago.
LW = Lone Wolf
God bless,
Mama san


Thank you, Mama san. What a memory you have! Too bad, though, about L.W. I was hoping it was something more interesting.


I Belong To Steven
Amos, I am shocked! :eek:
I know you were just kidding, though...
His weight certainly doesn't bother me at all...
Thanks for saying you liked my guess, Serena...:)
I do think he can be a very quiet person at times too, I think we all can, but of course who is to be sure...
Someday I may, you just never know, eh? ;)


New Member
Amos, Would you change my avatar........??
The one with him playing the guitar sitting on the porch ( you know the one with the ol man who he built a new porch for).I would be forever in yout debt! love ya.....kat:):):):)