What role do you want for Seagal?


come get some
pakrik said:
Hi !

First of all, as i say in an other topic, i think that the best role for Seagal is as a military guy, a former SEAL captain (as in Under Siege)

BUT ! I REALLY think that Seagal would be a great BAD GUY !

Can you imagine ? A killer that is 6'4'', all dressed in black, with that angry eyes, holding his gun, being a great shooter, walking out of the shadow...i think i would be terrified if i have that kind of guy in front of me ! Especially if i know that he's coming to kill me ! Who can defeat him ????

So that's why i think that if Seagal wants his career to go up, he should think to play once a bad guy. I really think it would be great ! A killer, or something like that !

Excellent idea, I agree completely!

SS would make a TERRIFIC bad guy. A boss of one of "the families" in a mob movie, or even a western/villain in the Lee Van Cleef mold. Or just a plain old evil martial arts teacher.

Remember- I love SS, but this is the world of movies we're talking about. It's not real. So even if he does play a baddie, that doesn't reflect on him in his real life.

I say he should go for it. There are lots of fine actors who have so much fun playing villains. It would give SS the chance to stretch his acting chops as it were. Maybe even reinvigorate his big screen movie career, as happened with John Travolta when he did the movie Pulp Fiction (Travolta's career was saved by the role he did that one movie). And SS has the added bonus of being a really big, intimidating presence in real life. He isn't faking it. You know he could really back up his threats.

So I say go for it, Seagal! Play a bad guy. See what happens. :D


Conan The Barbarian; Seagal The Antaganist; yudansha the greatest ... LOL

Has anyone seen Phonebooth, well the 'bad' guy fatally punishes those who cheat the society (although they may seem innocent to the average Joe). That sort of thing is perfect, except that a sniper would not be a great role for Seagal. Snipers in movies hide themselves, and don't get too much screen time. Their gun gets more shooting (double meaning ... for those who don't get it) than their faces do by the camera.

Remember Jet Li? How about Lethal Weapon 4? That was a great role for the wushuist.


Staff member
ohhhhhh !! c'mon guys !! Did you serious ?? Seagal is bad guy !!!
I am with you Heather I can't see Steven playing a bad guy !!! NEVER !!!!!
Because I don't want to like/love bad guys !!! :D


I Belong To Steven
For a role, I would like him to become my husband, teacher, lover, and friend...:D
Oh, sorry, you meant movie roles, huh?


Lol.....I would like Steven to play a role as a hero so he can come and rescue us damsels in distress.That would be a great part for him to play.Heather.


Potters Clay
I would love to see him broaden his horizons to movies (in general) like comedy, suspense, etc.


I Belong To Steven
Drama and suspense, and maybe an action comedy...But I'll love whatever he does...
Something mysterious would be good, he's very mysterious...Maybe a good spy role with a little bit of all of the above? Hmmm...


New Member
Lotussan said:
oh, and I didn't mean that if Steven were naked it would be funny, Jalu, not at all...

But he'd better be wearing my ring at the very least...;)

I'd like to see him a musician, maybe he could bash a few guys with his guitar, eh?

He's a natural for that role...:)

Nooo. Poor guitar.


New Member
If its hounds and hares, wouldn't both of them be running? And if a tree falls in a forest and noone's around to hear, should I give a flying monkey's ass? These questions and more on next weeks episode of schizophrenia and you.


Steve's Destiny
Are you trying to be funny or...

... are you by any chance trying to provoke me?

Do you really wanna have a verbal exchange with me? I doubt you can handle it without going into a manic episode. However it is good that you show your true colors at last, so that the moderators can see how you so inconspicuously incite trouble. And I wonder why is it that anything that upsets you gets deleted ,yet you get to spread your "love sick" post and other unwated comments all over this place like manure on a garden.

I think mods. should exercise a little more impartiality.....I'm starting to think some get preferential treatment here...

QUOTE=Lotussan]He'd be running, I think...[/QUOTE]


New Member
No way was I in any means attempting to provoke you at all. I do believe you misunderstood me. I was merely asking a stupid question and being a general dork. I feel now that I have to apologize, even though my intent was pure, for my actions (simply because in the long run, intent means nothing). I'm sorry if my remarks were off color (which the were, but not intentionally in an offensive way) and were taken the wrong way. I truely did not mean anything by it, nor were my remarks made directly at anybody, let alone you. I'm sorry for my mistake, and for the concern it has caused.


Steve's Destiny
VBCanine....that was addressed at Lotus and her snappy remark.
You did nothing wrong to me....we were just posting at the same time.

No way was I in any means attempting to provoke you at all. I do believe you misunderstood me. I was merely asking a stupid question and being a general dork. I feel now that I have to apologize, even though my intent was pure, for my actions (simply because in the long run, intent means nothing). I'm sorry if my remarks were off color (which the were, but not intentionally in an offensive way) and were taken the wrong way. I truely did not mean anything by it, nor were my remarks made directly at anybody, let alone you. I'm sorry for my mistake, and for the concern it has caused.[/QUOTE]


New Member
Alright, cool. I'm so used to causing trouble and not meaning to, I guess it was just a general reaction to fear the worst. Wow, for once somebody wasn't ultra pissed at me. Huh. Blue skies up ahead and all that rot...


ste is fit
i would just love steven to keep playing wat he does the action guy thing , cos
he has just got that mysterious thing about him