When are we gonna see some gratuitous sex,violence and swearing on our screens again?

It has this certificate because it contains one use of strong language and moderate sex & violence.

This is the sort of film that as recently as a decade ago would have got a 15 or even an 18 certificate. It's a film about gangland shootings ,for Goodness Sake.And lets not forget that as long as a parent or responsible adult accompanies them, anyone under 12 can see it. Another worrying thought is that,according to the IMDB,the upcoming action flick S.W.A.T. is going to receive the same certificate. A film involving a drug lord's attempts for some henchmen to bust him free from prison.

Before anyone starts accusing me of being some superficial type only judging a film by it's certificate, let me assure you this is not the case.I just feel filmmakers are becoming too conscious of the appeal of younger audiences and as a result,films are starting to lack the hard edged feel they used to have.

Weirdly though,when I went to see Freddy Vs. Jason today,I saw this advert for Crimestoppers during the trailers that was rated 18 too.It only had one use of the f word and some other swearing,but other than that it was just imagery.Can't get my head round that.

In Peace and Love


Amos Stevens

New Member
Geez with all the concern of upsetting people about their "rights" why are they bothering to censor anything anymore!