Who is the BIG MAN?


Active Member
Lotussan said:
Again, I am not saying that he wasn't or isn't CIA, that is very possible....
However, I am saying that I just don't think they go around talking about it very much....
no...as a rule they would not...S Seagal

Seagal has been asked that and answered that inpublic(interview..twice as I remember).....a 'comment' about ABL being semi-auto-biographical that got taken all out of proporsition..and Seagal has been resonding and denying this 'rumor' ever since....I believe it all stems froms from that 98' ABL interview with Seagal when they asked if any of the fim was 'fact'
Hence the Seagal in the CIA rumor was born....and for some reason(even among fans can not die)
PS: Steven Seagal answered this question 'direct' on the Larry King Interview.....and also on numerous 'clips' that I can not account for.
Steven Seagal was and never in the CIA(according to him)


Active Member
J.Lucas said:
no...as a rule they would not...S Seagal

Seagal has been asked that and answered that inpublic(interview..twice as I remember).....a 'comment' about ABL being semi-auto-biographical that got taken all out of proporsition..and Seagal has been resonding and denying this 'rumor' ever since....I believe it all stems froms from that 98' ABL interview with Seagal when they asked if any of the fim was 'fact'
Hence the Seagal in the CIA rumor was born....and for some reason(even among fans can not die)
PS: Steven Seagal answered this question 'direct' on the Larry King Interview.....and also on numerous 'clips' that I can not account for.
Steven Seagal was and never in the CIA,DOD,etc(according to him)
perhaps it is true..that 'rumors never die"
PS:please correct me if I am offensive or incorrect..I myselfself have nev er met nor claimed to know Mr.Seagal...I only go bu what he has said or stated in public.


Active Member
SAS Guardian Angel said:
My did we get offbase on this one it was a simple question and it went into outer orbit past James Bond..that wasnt even remotely the question and for the record he did tell a story once about being in the CIA on a talk show and it was actually quite funny he said thats all he had to say about it and he left it at that and so should we..okay?

I remember this it was on J.Leno . He said he had a job at airport security or something like that but don't remember a reference to any government agency. I perosnally feel he is involved in clandestine operations of some kind but that is just me .


candle lighter
Ahhh grasshopper, is that One Hand Clapping? (to Jay Leno) hehehe
Personally I might be a tad bit embarrassed to be associated with the CIA right now ... their track record leaves something to be desired (like intelligence, preferabably rooted in a central location). Whether Mr. Seagal is/was/might have been will be a mystery (oh how I love a good mystery!) for time to come.
Meanwhile, since when did CIA become a nationality? :)


I Belong To Steven
Yes, it will be a mystery until the night
of our honeymoon when he whispers his
deepest secrets so softly into my ear....


beginning to sound like a joke

lol...CIA as a nationality, that's funny
the thread was basically getting no responses, and that's why I mentioned it in one of my replies as a side point, and look at how much communication was done...

one thing and i said this before "mystery is a key to espionage"
second, denial is not "a classic symptom of agressive rage" Exit Wounds, but is something that Seagal did to stop such things going around
CIA is a secretive organization, so they do not like to be talked about

and one more thing about not being proud of the CIA or whatever the **** someone mentioned: the thing with CIA is that you only hear of their screw ups and nothing about their accomplishments (think about that, because all the time you don't hear about the agency, there are constant plans going in motion that succeed and protect you American citizens; so for that you may want to be grateful for the dedication that these "spooks" obtain towards their profession, for which by the way they do not get paid nearly as much as the fighter-pilots)


And I really wonder where it came from that Seagal was a Noriega(the Panama dictator) bodyguard.To me it smells like obvious bullshit.But funny,you can find it mentioned pretty often on the Russian sites.


candle lighter
The CIA does do some good things, but many organizations are only as good as the people who work in them. People are, well, people. Some can be corrupted, while some cannot.


I Belong To Steven
tora said:
And I really wonder where it came from that Seagal was a Noriega(the Panama dictator) bodyguard.To me it smells like obvious bullshit.But funny,you can find it mentioned pretty often on the Russian sites.

Never heard that one, Tora....

It's always in his films too, that he is CIA or ex CIA...oooh, never know...He's intelligent enough to be, and I think they have to be very smart....I wonder if he really knows all that stuff about explosives...Never know...Anyway, we should probably just hush up about it...


more on CIA

Well Lotussan, Seagal is actually a professional weapon's handler (if that's the phrase you can use). I don't know if he was professionally trained, or picked up the skill by himself, but he's an incredibly good shot with a semi-automatic (along with all the other martial arts tools, whether it's jo or katana, etc.). As far as intelligence, CIA hires for different sorts of reasons. So you wouldn't know for sure what Seagal's role was (or is) if he was (or still is) in the 'business.' If you need more intel on CIA (i.e. how to sign up, or the jobs for hire) message me, but other than that, that's all folks.


I Belong To Steven
Thanks, Yudansha...

Well, he sure looks like he knows what he's doing...Uh huh...
He is ever impressive, I don't know why but I just absolutely get a kick out of his shooting in the foreigner, and I see that he is using a shotgun again in those Out Of Reach photos...
I think it's those nice long arms, and just the menacing expression,
and that real determined and tough, 'I'm going to get you' type look...
Oh, and I get a big thrill at the way he builds the bombs in the movies...
I guess it's something about those capable hands that thrill me...
bet he's good at just about anything he does...
No doubt he's awesome! :cool:


Steve's Destiny
I wonder if they (CIA) ever experimented with (intelligent) animals. :rolleyes:
Maybe train them to help in a mission or something like that.


beware of SS (secret service, or Steven Seagal; whichever you prefer)

Expect the unexpected: You know Jalu that you will never get an answer to the types of operations. All I can say is don't think all you hear are rumours. They don't call them spooks for nothing; therefore surprise is one of the mottos, but unlike birthday surprises, some of these might not be very entertaining (to the side receiving the surprise). Although watching Seagal play an agent is quite entertaining.


Active Member
yudansha said:
Expect the unexpected: You know Jalu that you will never get an answer to the types of operations. All I can say is don't think all you hear are rumours. They don't call them spooks for nothing; therefore surprise is one of the mottos, but unlike birthday surprises, some of these might not be very entertaining (to the side receiving the surprise). Although watching Seagal play an agent is quite entertaining.

Yes . Watching Seagal is quite entertaining. It matters not what he plays .


candle lighter
lol this is all very interesting ... however, most work also involves mounds of paperwork/date entry, etc. Each case has to be documented and updated. Boring stuff. I always enjoyed the film Three Days Of The Condor (Robert Redford) ... very thought provoking indeed :)
Critters? well, we know the Navy uses dolphins, and dogs are a favorite for drug sniffing as well as rescue ops. Now let's see if they can train a cockroach to sneak in somewhere ... (shades of The Fifth Element) lol
Our Big Neighbors

You wouldnt believe who shares human like qualities..thats right elephants they can talk with their trunk to the side of another elephants head and make themselves understood to the other called telepathy (were just scratching the surface on that one)

If a mother elephant is giving birth the other females will circle around her like a wagon cirlce to ward off any comers whiles shes having the baby trunks outward all the way around. a males trumpet cn be heard well over a mile away. and just like humans they do spank, with their trunks if the young are bad it was caught on video once..amazing.

could they be trained they already have been for removing things in asia like heavy debris and clearing roads so agents could get to places they ordinarily couldnt..but chimps have been trained to do about anything we can do and are quite often used for gov work getting in small spaces etc. where humans can go but they can. interesting.


Staff member
Elephant communication is not telepathy - it's sound out of the range of human hearing. Studies have shown that elephants can communicate with one another over very great distances using very low frequencies that only they can hear.

-TD, who watches way too many programmes on the Discovery channel


Active Member
Well has any one ever studied if the same thing happens to humans which could in turn be interpretted as telelpathy? The thing about us humans is that even with our known limitations there is still that inkling of the limitless