Why was my 'translation' post deleted?


Huge Member
It wasn't offensive (unless of course you are a stuffy, old fashioned ******* powertripping prick of a 'moderator' with your over-inflated sense of self-importance and your head jammed so far up your own arse that you can't see what is funny and what isn't). The over the top moderation of this place and the removal/censorship of anything slightly risque is starting to suck and I am starting to get pissed off. We are all ******* adults on here and for one thing, I cannot understand why the hell the word 'ass' keeps getting deleted from my signature. Maybe the offending moderator and I need to have a little talk. Personally, I feel I contribute more than my share of posts in terms of quality and not quantity. Just because I don't constantly slaver over Seagal's hairstyle or his orange skin or profess my undying love for him every thirty seconds or have thousands of posts, the vast majority of which are meaningless sh*te about how I think Seagal is wonderful or how badly I want to meet him, doesn't mean that I am any less of a fan than anyone else. I found the 'translation' post amusing. Oddly enough, it was sent to me by someone who wasn't too popular on the old Seagal site - the original Mr Opinion. I share his sense of humour and thought that the e-mail he sent me was funny enough to warrant me sharing it with my friends on here. If you didn't find it funny, then that's tough sh*t. You are too old or too boring. You are acting as if this site is yours and personally, I feel that only one person should be able to delete entire posts and that is Craig, as this is his site. I am certain he wouldn't have deleted the post in question and am sure he would have found it amusing. Whoever it is who is doing the constant deleting needs to get a ******* life. I'm ******* totally pissed off with this place now.



New Member
While I would not want to go back to the way the old site was (death threats and stuff that would make a Sailor blush)

Glimmer seems to have a point. His first post was funny. I was not offened.

The censorship of this site would appere to be severe. :(

How does it work? There are a number of mod's do you all have to decide or can any one mod delete a post?
I didn't find Glimmer's post funny(nor did I share the same humour as Mr.Opinion on the old site),but then I wasn't offended by it either.If anyone likes that kind of humour then so be it. Perhaps the mods should have a re-think over the kind of stuff they choose to delete.

I also agree with Glimmer etc.when he says that some of the over the top female posts(you know who you are),that are full of the typical "undying love","Seagal can't do a thing wrong" type posts,have gone way too far.Not only are most of these posts off topic,but they can get tedious to say the least.I would like to appeal to Craig to make a seperate forum all together for these kind of posts.




I Belong To Steven
Leon I see what you mean, but my goodness...I don't know why it bothers you...If we girls could tell him in person don't you think we would? I think we all have rights to say anything we want about him or to say anything for that matter, as long as it's not hurting him or anyone here...
Glimmers post might have offended some people but I think he should still be able to share it...He translated it from street language at least! I personally found some of a little lewd, but I try to keep an open mind...
I am going to try to tone my adoration down though, because I don't want to make the guys here sick or anything...:rolleyes:
Hi Lotus,don't get me wrong,I do admire your loyalty & respect for Steven.It can just be a little much sometimes!I didn't mean to say it how it sounded.You know I love ya!


I Belong To Steven
Don't worry Leon, I know you have a point...I'm not upset with you really, sorry to seem er...B*tchy....Gee, I wonder if I will get edited now...:D Peace :)


Staff member
Call me stuffy and old-fashioned - I think the post was extremely offensive. I don't find language whose intent is to degrade and humiliate women, or show them only as being inhuman objects for men (or boys, to whom such things appeal the most) to play with and be disrespectful to, the least bit funny. Waving the banner of "free speech" to defend the right to post something that is clearly intended to harm and degrade I find equally distasteful.

I am sure there are plenty of forums out there where such posts are welcome and encouraged. I hope the board here will not become one such.


New Member
I think that the moderators here are going to extremes with the total swearing blackouts that are occuring. One minute you type a word like ass (which is spouted in many a kiddie's PG film!) and the next thing you know it replaced with three little stars (a lot like this ***). Come on, get a grip and leave posts like this alone. I found Glimmerman's translation post to be ******* funny and was not offended by it one bit. Why should I, it was not meant mean spiritedly, was meant to entertain and above all was highy hilarious in my book. None of us live in a society vacuum, we are adults here and I'm sure we can all handle a little dose of swear words.

I also agree that we are not any less of fans for doing it, just because we don't praise Seagal in every post. I always thought there were more than me who finds the constant proclaimations of love for him by female members a bit much, and would also agree that there should be a seperate forum for females and their fanmail type posts. No offence.

Finally, Seagal swears like a trooper in his movies and don't see any point it becoming too politically correct. This is not a kids board, it is meant for adults and unless the posts are totally derogatory of Steven Seagal, then I would leave them be.

Anyone who dissagree's can kiss by sweet anal aperture!




Staff member
I don't have any objection to swearing in posts, other than the fact it can get pretty darn boring after a while - shows a lack of imagination, if truth be told. If used sparingly and judiciously, however, the *value* of using profanity in a given instance appreciates. (Case in point: nobody expects me to use profanity on account of I look like a sweet fluffy mild-mannered middle-aged lady. When I do slip one in, the effect on others is extremely gratifying. I usually leave 'em speechless from shock.)

Glimmer's "translation" post, however, is another matter. The bottom line was not about the swear words in it, but that the content was extremely degrading and disrespectful towards women. It surprised me (and disappointed me, too, to some extent) that so many herein would find this funny. Yes, I found it offensive, and stopped reading it a few paragraphs in because it was so disgusting (and, frankly, boring). But it was a sad surprise to find so many people thought it "funny", without stopping to think how derogatory the content was to a specific group of people. If the content had been racist, I suspect there would have been fewer objections to having it deleted. But because the content degraded women, and was therefore *on that basis* considered "funny", somehow that's okay.

Well, it isn't.

Amos Stevens

New Member
Well I had tried to post a reply to this yesterday,but that is when the site got sick on me..

Too my knowledge the occassional cuss words are not edited-cussing is an everyday part of life anymore..but when it is CONSTANTLY used-for example in an members signature,that has been edited.

The posting in question here was discussed between moderators & was agreed that it did not belong in a PUBLIC forum-which is what this is. Any age can come here & read what is posted.


New Member
Originally posted by TDWoj
I don't have any objection to swearing in posts, other than the fact it can get pretty darn boring after a while - shows a lack of imagination, if truth be told. If used sparingly and judiciously, however, the *value* of using profanity in a given instance appreciates. (Case in point: nobody expects me to use profanity on account of I look like a sweet fluffy mild-mannered middle-aged lady. When I do slip one in, the effect on others is extremely gratifying. I usually leave 'em speechless from shock.)

Glimmer's "translation" post, however, is another matter. The bottom line was not about the swear words in it, but that the content was extremely degrading and disrespectful towards women. It surprised me (and disappointed me, too, to some extent) that so many herein would find this funny. Yes, I found it offensive, and stopped reading it a few paragraphs in because it was so disgusting (and, frankly, boring). But it was a sad surprise to find so many people thought it "funny", without stopping to think how derogatory the content was to a specific group of people. If the content had been racist, I suspect there would have been fewer objections to having it deleted. But because the content degraded women, and was therefore *on that basis* considered "funny", somehow that's okay.

Well, it isn't.

The reason I found Glimmerman's translation post funny was not because it was degrading or sexist towards woman. The reason I found it funny was because of the way the violent, street cred content of the Notorious B.I.G song was translated and subsequently cleaned up into eloquent, polite, bearuecratic type vocabulary.

And also sexism/disrespect is a two way street. Men have to suffer it too you know. There is very little made of woman on TV talk shows etc who have no hesitation in branding all men brainless, beer-guzzling, sex obssessed primates, now is there? You should have read the whole translation because in the final paragraph the translator makes fun of the main character/artist of this song, by asserting that he is in fact, a pimping scumbag/asshole. You'll never see the evidence of this anymore however, since it has been deleted.

On the whole however, lets just agree to dissagree.




Huge Member
Thanks for the (mostly) positive comments, guys, but I do have a couple of points.

Amos - you are a relatively cool guy and you can polish my hall floor anytime. Your point has been taken and my signature is now changed.

Cookie and Leon - you guys rock.

MMCK - Hahahaha! Sweet anal aperture?! Straight out of Vids, mate!

And finally, TDWoj - if you found my post degrading or offensive then I am afraid you missed the point of it entirely. The WHOLE POINT of the post was to highlight the fact that some rap 'songs' (if you can call them that) are misogynistic and attempt to degrade women both by the language they use to describe women, and the graphic depictions of lewd sexual practices and general unchivalrous behavior towards the opposite sex.

Much of the music and many rap videos specifically promotes and perpetuates negative images of women. All women, but mostly mixed race women in particular are seen in popular rap culture as sex objects. Almost every rap or hip-hop video that is regularly shown on crap like MTV today shows scantily clad, dancing women (usually surrounding one or two men), with the cameras focusing on their body parts. These images are shown to go along with a lot of the explicit lyrics that commonly suggest that women are not worth anything more than money, if that. Women are described as being only good for sexual relations by rappers who describe their life as being that of a pimp. In many popular rap songs men glorify the life of pimps, refer to all women as they think a pimp would to a prostitute, and promote violence against women for 'disobeying'.

Of course, not all rap songs are misogynistic and all black men do not speak and think this way, but a certain percentage within hip-hop culture does think this way. The name-calling disrespects, degrades, dehumanises, and dishonours women. If a man labels a woman with any of these names, he may also feel justified in committing physical or psychological violence against her. The name-calling may also be representative of the way these men are thinking and feeling the anger, disdain, and ill feelings toward women.

Now - after all that SH*T, I am tired and in need of a hot chocolate and a digestive biscuit, so I must come back to my original point - the 'translation' post was designed to highlight these facts - it was essentially a piss-take of the misogynistic attitudes of certain aspects of rap music. If it offended you, then that's your problem, and I make no apology, because you didn't read into it enough.


New Member
I don't know what was deleted but if Amos,Casey,Suzi and John thought it should go,then I would think there was something there that shouldn't have.

Between working 50 hours or more a week now and pulling 12 hours shift,I am having alot of problem reading and posting on the board now. I do miss you all and hope what ever going on with the board is fixed soon so I can read your post and join you again.


Staff member
Glimmerman - I know very well what that post of yours purported to be doing. The fact that the disclaimer about the nature of the content came at the very end does not excuse the fact that the end result was to give the nasty nature of the lyrics *more* legitimacy, rather than less. Just by posting it, you promoted the negative message about women in this type of rap music (have you forgotten 'any publicity is good publicity'?) *especially* since it was "cleaned up" into a kind of corporate-speak. Moreoever, the ugliness contained in it was completely dismissed, rationalised away because the 'translation' exercise was considered to be funny.

You may not have deliberately set out to offend; but offend you did. Since you don't even consider the possibility that the post could and did offend on a different level than the one you and the others found funny, there is nothing more I can say.


I Belong To Steven
True, I have to agree that it was total trash, and very derogatory to women...I believe in free speech, but violence and disrespect toward women is so prevelant nowadays partially because of stereotypical images this kind of thing creates...Women are not simple sex objects, we have brains, we are not all bimbos, and we certainly deserve some respect...I just ignore all that chauvinistic crap, and I don't let it get to me, TD...
What's amazing to me is that those songs make any money whatsoever...

Amos Stevens

New Member
Polish your hall floors? How kind..however I never polish-only throw some smelly soap in a bucket & never quite rinse it well! (slippery when wet)hee hee

Amos Stevens

New Member
scurry scurry..so I'm late with Catladys message that she has been real busy with work. (better late than never right furrball?)hee hee

The weather forecaster here this morning said that it is so hot here that the devil is packing for San Diego :(


I Belong To Steven
By the way,
Glimmer I think your translation showed a lot of talent, I was only talking about the song lyrics themselves being trashy crap...
I know you didn't mean anything bad by posting the translation...
That's why I said I always try to keep and open mind, and live and let live...But even you have to admit that those lyrics are pretty chauvinistic...Can't say I was glad to understand them, but I will say it was quite an experience!;)


come get some
Originally posted by MMCK2

Seagal swears like a trooper in his movies

Regardless of the critics who try to tell us Seagal can't act, the fact is he can, and does. The guy is an ACTOR. So he plays CHARACTERS who swear. Chicago cops swear. Brooklyn Cops swear. Shady military types swear. Especially when they're thrown into tense situations.

You'll notice he's a lot more restrained in interviews, i.e. when he's not acting.