Words of My Perfect Teacher


Staff member
I couldn't find the other thread with this topic, so I started a new one....

Words of My Perfect Teacher is going to be on VisionTV here in Toronto on May 4th.

I guess I should videotape it, huh....


Yeah,TD,go on and tape it.Then don't forget to label it so that it doesn't get lost in the vast of Star Trek space!:D
Coz I wanna see it too.


Staff member
On Rogers - channel 60. VisionTV is one of the two religious channels. When it first started out, they swore they wouldn't support TV evangelists, but since that was where the money was... they have a variety of religious programming, some of it good, some of it completely off the wall. They also run tv shows with a religious theme, like endless reruns of Touched by An Angel, and movies or documentaries on religion, hence why Words of My Perfect Teacher is on it. Actually, as far as religious programming goes, I've seen just about everything except Satanism and Wicca on it, so they're pretty non-sectarian, though heavily tipped towards Christian (especially Christian fundamentalist) programming.

The one show I do watch for sheer entertainment value is the Jack Van Impe Ministry. This guy is so far out in right-wing Christian fundamentalism, if he were a character in a book, he'd be totally unbelievable. In one stirring speech, for example, he names either the Italian Prime Minister or the King of Spain as the Antichrist predicted to come in Revelations, and that the creation of the European Union heralds the end of the world. Great stuff. I take notes, as reference material to use in a story one day.


Staff member
A gift From John Lucas !


Steven at My Perfect Teacher

please visit to Gallery :D

Thank you very much TD for your information !!

in onenensss


gunslinger said:
Sorry guys,

Been out of things for a while, what is this "Teacher" about?

Hi, Gunslinger. Good to see you back. :)

This is from Suzi's original thread regarding this from January, including the link to the web site of Words of My Perfect Teacher. It was quite interesting and also had a trailer. Just click on the link below.

suziwong said:
I hope you will enjoy !! It is very interesting !!


"Words of My Perfect Teacher is a documentary film about a student's encounter with just such a rascally, magical teacher. The teacher, Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche, is renowned as one of the most eminent Buddhist teachers in the world today. He is also an accomplished film-maker, whose first feature, THE CUP, received international publicity and acclaim. It premiered at the Cannes Film Festival.

Featuring appearances by Bernardo Bertolucci and Steven Seagal."

Please check out this link:

words of my perfect teacher


in onenesss


I Belong To Steven
Oh my John, that is wonderful picture of sensei, thank-you soooooooo much!
And you too suzi!
How did you do this, huh?
Amazing! :D
Thank-youuuuuuuuuuuuuu, my sweet, wonderful, lovely friend...:)


I Belong To Steven
Does anyone know if Steven's role in the film is
the one of the Charismatic Guru?
It says he appears but doesn't say for how long...
He's charismatic FOR SURE, no doubt about it...:D


Staff member
Update: Words of My Perfect Teacher !!

WORLD PREMIERE – Words of My Perfect Teacher
Tuesday, May 4, 8 p.m. and 12 a.m. ET, 2 hours

Khyentse Norbu is one of the world's most remarkable figures: at once a revered Buddhist teacher and an acclaimed feature filmmaker. Halifax-based writer/director Lesley Ann Patten turns to him seeking the path to wisdom, but his unconventional methods of instruction leave her more baffled than enlightened. This feature-length documentary follows Patten in the pursuit of her enigmatic teacher, a journey that leads from a soccer match in Munich to the Hollywood home of beefy action star Steven Seagal.



Staff member
I was effected and I want to see this Movie TD. But I don't know how can I find !!
I am waiting for amazon or the other. May be it will be listed soon !!


Staff member
Well, it seems to be a National Film Board of Canada film, but it doesn't seem to be listed on the website for NFB as available for sale, although I haven't checked recently to see if it's been added.


Globe and Mail
Tuesday, May 4, 2004

Words of My Favourite Teacher (Vision, tonight @ 8:00 p.m.) is a charming, downright flaky new documentary from the NFB. Made by Lesley Ann Patten, it's about Buddhist teacher Khyentse Norbu. Patten sees Norbu as an important Buddhist teacher: "All my fears and weaknesses beamed back at me from his smiling face." Others, including Bernardo Bertolucci and actor Steven Seagal, also look to Norbu for guidance on life and spirituality.

What's truly charming is the fact that Norbu emerges as a joker, an eccentric who delights in deflating his own image. He knows that his oddball antics mystify some of his followers and they take him way too seriously. One young man seen here, a man who clings to Norbu with desperation, is ridiculously naive, but the young followers at least seem happy. Exactly what can be learned from Norbu is a tricky question. But the core of the program is a trip with Norbu to watch an international soccer game. (Norbu was the director of The Cup, a film with the tagline: "Buddhism is their philosophy. Soccer is their religion.") It's all there, believe me. I'm not sure the filmmakers and his followers get it , but I do. It's a funny old world.

Please check listings or visit http://www.globeandmail.com/tv

Words of My Perfect Teacher

Vision, 8 p.m. Timed to coincide with the Dalai Lama's visit to Toronto, this documentary follows writer-director Lesley Ann Patten as she visits a revered Buddhist teacher. However, his unusual methods are a path to confusion rather than enlightenment.