Your Thoughts On Seagal's Recent Characters


New Member
I was replying to some posts after my Submerged review and I was thinking. Is anybody else tired of seeing Seagal playing the same old special ops / CIA Agent character, or to go back to where he started from a play the badass character from Above the Law, Out for Justice or Exit Wounds. I'm starting to get tired of Seagal playing the same secret agent character and I think Seagal would be better playing one of his early characters (such as Nico Toscani)...Hopefully we'll get to see something new in Today You Die when he's a thief...

So do you agree with me or do you like these type of characters for Seagal
I sometimes get tired of his same old characters too, but not that much. I've gotten to the point it really doesn't matter because he does his best no matter what he does, I hope in Today You Die he does pull off a good prisoner cause this movie will be good, I will Bank On It.


Above The Law
seagalfan128 said:
I was replying to some posts after my Submerged review and I was thinking. Is anybody else tired of seeing Seagal playing the same old special ops / CIA Agent character, or to go back to where he started from a play the badass character from Above the Law, Out for Justice or Exit Wounds. I'm starting to get tired of Seagal playing the same secret agent character and I think Seagal would be better playing one of his early characters (such as Nico Toscani)...Hopefully we'll get to see something new in Today You Die when he's a thief...

So do you agree with me or do you like these type of characters for Seagal

Actually not really, because that is his style, that is what defined Seagal. Is that swift attitude tough guy persona, cockiness by just the way he walks, and always playing law enforcement. It is like imagine Bruce Lee playing in a comedy role or imagine Jim Carey in an action film. I like Seagal playing those characters, that is what made him famous with the Nico's, Gino's, and Casey Ryback's, always is somewhat working for the government and I am satisfied with that.

The only thing I would want to see more of now a day's is more dramatic and climactic fights we once saw from Steven Seagal, but I guess that is due to age, not a lack of motivation.

Amos Stevens

New Member
Actually I don't mind the atleast past-tense of him being a in The Patriot with a different story line

Sgurd Ekoms

Steven Seagal
My thoughts are him playing a criminal character as a change would be more amusing and enjoying rather then the same good cop. Though Steven always has a need to play the good character role, as his own choice. There are famous actors such as Jet Li that refuse to play a bad character role despite the money, and only has done to get into American markets. Steven refuses to do such as well.


Twitter: adadrian
yeah i guess sometimes i do get sick of it, but at the same time i kinda like it you always know he has a history of special op's or something like that u always knows he's good

i wouldnt mind seeing him play a role of a martial arts sensei in a movie that would be awesome


New Member
I would like to see Steven Seagal in a comedy role :) In the Style like the Pacifier with Vin Diesel :)

But harder... Like hi has a daughter and her daughters boyfriend is a dumbass and he kicks im out of the house :) or something like this ;)


New Member
Well if you have heard the rumors about Steven and Rush Hour 3....Hopefully that rumor will come true and Seagal will play the villain in Rush Hour 3. I would love to see the chemistry among Seagal, Jackie Chan, and Chris Tucker.


New Member
Oh sure, but i think this would be a short part... And i think this won't be a hard fight because Rush Hour is always not hard. And Steven will los :( I can't live with that ;)
Can you picture Chris Tucker talking the way he is about Seagal. I don't mind if he is in there for a short time, It's the thought that counts. :)
I heard that Chris Tucker isn't going to be in Rush Hour 3, is this true? If so, I dunno if it will be good as the others cause he is a funny guy.


Staff member
seagalfan128 said:
Well if you have heard the rumors about Steven and Rush Hour 3....Hopefully that rumor will come true and Seagal will play the villain in Rush Hour 3. I would love to see the chemistry among Seagal, Jackie Chan, and Chris Tucker.

These are only speculation and gossips... Not real...

hofmae said:
Yes i heard that too.. .But maybe this will change during the next time :)

Gruess dich alter Kumpel, wie geht's? :D

Scheint die Sonne immer noch auf dem wolkigen Himmel der Schweiz?

Naechstes mal werde ich dir einen ziemlich lustigen Witz in dieser Hinsicht erzaehlen.

Ich liebe den Schweizer, siehst du... und ich liebe es, mich mit ihm herumzuschlagen!



New Member said:
Gruess dich alter Kumpel, wie geht's? :D

Scheint die Sonne immer noch auf dem wolkigen Himmel der Schweiz?

Naechstes mal werde ich dir einen ziemlich lustigen Witz in dieser Hinsicht erzaehlen.

Ich liebe den Schweizer, siehst du... und ich liebe es, mich mit ihm herumzuschlagen!


Hallo du, wieso kannst du so gut deutsch, von wo kommst du?! regnet, blitzt und donnert gerade im Moment, soviel zum Thema Wetter.
hofmae said:
Hallo du, wieso kannst du so gut deutsch, von wo kommst du?! regnet, blitzt und donnert gerade im Moment, soviel zum Thema Wetter.

Tja, ich habe ein paar Freunde hier und dort in deutschsprachigen Laendern, was kann ich dafuer! :D

Und hier kommt der versprochene - obwohl auch etwas bloedsinnige! - Witz:

Zwei Schwalben fliegen eines Tages durch die frische Luft des Zuericher Morgens. :D

Auf einmal bemerken die beide einen Duesenjaeger vorbeizischen.

"Donnerwetter, ist der schnell!" meint die eine etwas neidisch.

"Na ja, kein Wunder, wenn ihm der Hintern brennt!" fuegt die andere philosophisch hinzu...
