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  • Saw your top 10 movie list. I am currently making an action film of my own. Im an amateur actor/director from Australia Theres a few fight scene on facebook and a teaser trailer. films called Urban Lockdown, check it out and 'like' the page. would love your feedback and tips to make it as cool as Seagals flicks, i thin kyou will get a kick out of it.
    Thanks Marty for asking, and yes my morn' is going great with your submission of "True Justice"
    Its warming up humidly here in Bemidji too. Glad to know you're doing good too Martino' 01
    hello, and hows u'ze doing?
    Thanks for the interesting news and update concerning Steven Seagal's possible new television series titled "True Justice"
    Please keep me informed of furthur production and release information?
    Heavenly Father bless you Martin01
    Sorry Martin, I was up in the middle of the night for a family reason, couldn't sleep and checked my email, found the message about Mama san and had to post it here. I was so very tired and did not see you looking for me... maybe another time... still think of you often, friend.
    Hi Martin iam handing the reigns over to you as of today you can be the one that gets info from Joe about things ..iam having an break plus lately i havent heard anything there you go..
    I agree it wasnt that good story wise but i love wesley snipes so he is worth it.. have an good weekend
    Hi Martin iam about to watch the last movie thus far of the blade movies Blade: Trinity have you seen it?..
    Good Morning Martin! Just wanted to stop by since I saw you online, to Wish you and your family a Happy New Year! I haven't been on here much for very long at a time because I have been so busy...still really busy; but I'm trying to catch up, while I have the chance to do so. I hope all is well with you. I pray you have a Blessed day!

    Love Your Sister,
    Stacey Denise Cox
    Dear Martin .
    I whis you Happy Hollyday's ,MARRY CHRISTMAS and
    HAPPY NEWYEAR 2010 and that i cant whisses.
    Hi Martin i did get you p/m and thought i would do the right thing and ask Joe if i could give you his e-mail address as yet he hasnt got back to me you can see my point of view iam sure dont want to do the wrong thing by him ..when i know you will know..
    Hi Martin,

    Sorry I don't have any answers for you. But if I hear from both of them, I will let them know that you have been asking about them.

    I do miss Myst and Sue very much and some other members. The forum just isn't the same without them!!
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