Ehh...personally...I thought this film was all right, not that great or not that bad but pretty average for a Seagal's film but quite an improvement than Seagal's recent DTV with an exception of Into the Sun. It had some nice cinematography and some good action scenes. And I felt it was a good paced film however there are some bad things about the film is that we barely see Seagal doing the fighting and all that. The helicopter scene toward the end of the film was poorly executed so ignore that but you'll enjoy this film because this film had somewhat had a different feel to it. The beginning and closing parts were good parts of the film however in the middle of the film, it felt like it was dragging away except with that chase scene which was pretty good except that effect looking part while Seagal and Davies were talking at the top of the truck, it's sorta of same thing with helicopter part. But overall, it was an ok film but entertaining though.
However, seeing on the back of the cover, seeing Seagal using two handguns...the appearance of Seagal, I would love to see him using that kind of appearance for his huge comeback on the big screen when it happens, it had a pretty similar feel for his first or third film- Above the Law or Marked for Death but without a ponytail. That appearance somewhat made me feel like it's right look for him to do for his comeback to the big screen just like same style as what he had for Above the Law or Marked for Death but at this present age though, it'll give a nice bang for his career.
Acting: 7.0/10
Story: 7.5/10
Directing: 8.5/10
Cinematography: 8.5/10
Action: 6.0/10
Pacing or entertainment: 8.0/10
FX or special effects: 1.0/10
Average: 6.6/10 (like I said, it was an ok film.)