Can you Translate This from German Again !!


Staff member
SPIEGEL ONLINE - 02. Juli 2003, 15:47


Berliner Villen-Besitzerin verliert gegen Hollywood-Star Seagal

Eine Berliner Vermieterin hat vor Gericht gegen den Hollywood-Action-Star Steven Seagal den Kürzeren gezogen. Ihre Klage auf 170.000 Euro Schadenersatz wurde abgewiesen. Ein Prozess des Schauspielers gegen die Berlinerin in Los Angeles steht noch aus.

Berlin - Das Berliner Landgericht wies die Klage der Vermieterin ohne weitere Begründung ab. Seagal ("Brooklyn-Massaker", "Alarmstufe: Rot") hatte sich Ende 2001 während der Dreharbeiten zum Film "Halbtot" ("Half Past Dead") für acht Wochen in die Villa der Berlinerin am Wannsee eingemietet. Anschließend hatte die Besitzerin behauptet, das von Seagal für sich und sein zehnköpfiges Team angemietete Haus sei verwüstet worden (Aktenzeichen 29 O 186/02). So seien Parkett, Fliesen, Türen oder Teppiche stark beschädigt worden.

Der US-Schauspieler, der angeblich 30.000 Euro Miete pro Monat bezahlt hat, kam allerdings nicht ganz ungeschoren davon. Er wurde dazu verurteilt, rund 8000 Euro Betriebskosten zu zahlen. Allerdings wird Seagal von der Strafe kaum etwas zahlen müssen. Allein die von der Vermieterin zu begleichenden Anwaltskosten für Seagals Rechtsbeistand wird etwa die Höhe der Betriebskosten erreichen.

Seagal war nicht zum Prozess erschienen. Sein Anwalt Andreas Schulz sagte, Seagal sei weiterhin gewillt, seinerseits Klage gegen seine ehemalige Vermieterin wegen Rufschädigung und Diffamierung zu erheben.

Ein Gerichtstermin vor dem Superior Court in Los Angelos im US-Bundesstaat Kalifornien wurde laut Schulz vertagt, weil die dortigen Richter den Ausgang des Berliner Prozesses abwarten wollten. Vor Zahlung der Betriebskosten solle erst die Rechtskraft des Urteils abgewartet werden, sagte der Anwalt weiter. Wenn Seagal in den USA gewinne, könnte der Betrag auch aufgerechnet werden. Sein Mandant sei sich seiner Sache sicher. "Das Haus gehört mir schon jetzt", soll der Schauspieler angesichts der Höhe seiner Klage gesagt haben.



New Member
Hi suzi!

It's been a long time since I posted last, I have just a little amount of time so I can mostly only read this forum! :mad: anyway I hope I can help you out on this text:

It's basically about the thing with the woman from Berlin who brought Seagal to court for "having her house damaged". It says that Seagal won this time and that he is going to bring her to court again for telling lies about him!!! Steven wasn't at court, but his lawyer said that Seagal wanted to sue her for telling lies. Steven's comment according to his lawyer concerning the amount of money Steven could get for this: "Well, I think this house is already mine!" :D

I hope my English isn't that bad so you get the point! If I had the time, I would do a precise translation...

All the best,



Staff member
I am sorry for this dublicate Aiki!! Actually I couldn't understand and I put it again !!
Thank you very much for your translation. I understood !!

This photo is one of my favorite !!"baby face" I like this so much !!

in oneness


New Member
I know someone has roughly traslated it already, but I ran it through the google translator:-

Seagal citizens of Berlin a landlady loses Berlin mansion owner before court against the Hollywood Action star steven Seagal the shorter one pulled against Hollywood star. Their complaint on 170.000 euro compensation was rejected. A process of the actor against the Berlinerin in Los Angeles is still pending. Berlin - citizen of Berlin the regional court rejected the complaint of the landlady without further reason. Seagal ("Brooklyn massacre ", "uncertainty phase: Red") at the end of had in-rented itself 2001 during the turning work to the film "halfdead" ("Past helped DEAD") for eight weeks into the mansion of the Berlinerin at the when lake. Subsequently, the owner had stated, which was house rented by Seagal for itself and its zehnkoepfiges team devastated (file reference 29 O 186/02). Thus parquet, tiles, doors or carpets were strongly damaged. The US actor, who paid allegedly 30,000 euro rent per month, got off however not completely ungeschoren. He was condemned to pay approximately 8000 euro operating cost. However Seagal of the punishment will have to pay hardly something. However from the landlady to settling lawyer costs of Seagals the legal advice will reach about the height of the operating cost. Seagal had not appeared to the process. His lawyer Andreas Schulz said, Seagal was further determined to raise for his part complaint against its former landlady because of call damage and Diffamierung. Gerichtstermin before the Superior a Court in lot Angelos in the US Federal State California was postponed according to Schulz, because the there judges wanted to wait for the exit citizens of Berlin of the process. Before payment of the operating cost only the validity in law of the judgement is to be waited for, continued to say the lawyer. If Seagal in the USA wins, the amount could be also up-counted. Its mandator is safe itself of his thing. "the house belongs to me already now", is to have said the actor in view of the height of its complaint.


I Belong To Steven
They must have had some wild parties...If his crew messed up the house, he should have taken it out of their salary!