I wonder what went wrong causing they had refused of series and made THAT fast-cutted flick?
What went wrong is Seagal....even tho' Lawman 1' took off with a great rating on Reelz TV season 2 got cut short after 8 episodes(can't even buy it on DVD in the US) after Seagal and company(mainly Bing Danh's doing) got hit with a 'sex trafficking' charge(there's plenty of info about it, it could be a whole topic about Seagal degrading and having no respect for women at all)..this was when the show was being filmed in Louisiana(after the hurricane Katrina devastation)
So Seagal and company moved the show to Arizona(Joe Arpaio territory) where it was changed to help with border control.
This one also ended with only 8 episodes after another lawsuit claiming Seagal and company 'staged' the incident with raiding the guys property and damaging and killing some chickens(this episode is included in the run as episode 7).
So by the time True Justice started filming....no one would touch it with a 'ten foot pole'(some US stations claimed it was un-original)
it did get picked up for a station in Spain(which is whee I first viewed it on-line)
then Reelz TV picked it up and ran it along with the series 1 being released as DVD' movies.
it was Reelz TV that took it up for a season 2...which after 13 episodes left us all hanging.
Reelz TV did not pick it up for a season 3 ...which I believe morphed into the General Commander concept...
so by this time no TV station on the planet wanted it...so of course to recoup some expenses they had to release it on DVD.
Seagal does not work well with others in a TV show format...this goes all the way back to the SNL show ...which got the producers so pissed off that you can't even see it in re-runs nor buy it in any SNL collection sets.