Mistakes in Seagal movies


New Member
Originally posted by mandypuss
Guess what, Marked for Death is one of the movies I am finding it hard to buy. Now I will have to rent it again just to see the 'asspole'. I am truly dying to see it, you have my imagination going. Of course the thing is now when someone asks which Seagal movie is Marked For Death the eternal reply will be 'the one where the asshole gets the asspole'.:D ;) :cool:
luv & peace

Good point Mandypuss. LOL I think this topic is sinking to new depths!




Oh well,Mandy,that was cute.
Oh my gosh...it means that I immediately need to get all these movies and watch all the mistakes I've missed watching them on TV.Just let me wash the dishes to the end of the month.

Amos Stevens

New Member
Well maybe they could manage to put up a tv with tape player by your sink where you're washing dishes-tell them you have to preview all the movies


Sure,Amos.As soon as I tell them I'm a Seagal fans they're gonna put me into the oven.
Well,and while watching the movies I'll put the wrong dishes into the wrong place and take the wrong cleanser.
Originally posted by J.Lucas
There's also mistakes in the mistake list......I've seen that page before and many of the erros are erros themselves...
Ex:Marked for Death....yeah the palm tree bit.....but it's Chicago ,Ill not Ohio.........etc,
and most can also be explained if you watch the movie and pay attention.......
You spanked him J
Originally posted by GlimmerMan
Justice - most people use their spare time here to go robbing cars... I use mine productively!

Amos - I don't watch THAT closely, although I noticed the one in Out For Justice about the dirty knees, which the dude at http://www.moviemistakes.com didn't seem to spot. Go there for more - there's some pretty interesting ones!

John - I agree that some of them are suspect, but most are plain old mistakes... The Matrix has something like 200 odd.

Mama - I wasn't trying to say that mistakes are limited to Seagal films, I just thought I'd start another 'interesting' thread, you see... hope you all don't mind. Hahaha - maybe this one will get more than 2 replies!

Some people just can't watch a freaking movie and enjoy the F_cking Thing.
Those poor *******s should have my foot in their Arse!


New Member
Are we still talking 'Ass' here? I think we should pull our fingers out, if you'll pardon the expression :D :D
luv & peace


Huge Member
Batman got on my nerves
He was running me amok
He ridiculed me calling me a bum

I whupped Batman's ass
I whupped Batman's ass
I whupped Batman's ass
I whupped Batman's ass
I whupped Batman's ass
I whupped Batman's ass

Batman thought he was bad
He was a fu*king asshole in the first place
He got knocked to the floor

I whupped Batman's ass
I whupped Batman's ass
I whupped Batman's ass
I whupped Batman's ass
I whupped Batman's ass
I whupped Batman's ass

Batman beat the hell outta me and knocked me to the floor
I got back up and knocked him to the floor
He was being such a jerkoff

I whupped Batman's ass
I whupped Batman's ass
I whupped Batman's ass
I whupped Batman's ass
I whupped Batman's ass
I whupped Batman's ass
*just as he is about to inject G-man he see Amos speak up and with an evil grin he runs up behind Amos and injects him with the sedative*
I showed you bored *shakes fist*


New Member
"I was singing in the shower when I felt the power..Diarhea Diarhea"
"I was sitting on the grass when I felt a blast from my ass..Diarhea Diarhea......"


New Member
Please forgive me and ignore that last post of mine. Something weird came over me and I couldnt resist. Does that make me a sad individual? LOL.:eek: :confused: :eek: ;)


Originally posted by GlimmerMan
You people have no sense of humour.

Glimmer,you're right,I've no British sense of humor or is it a trade mark of our respected Glimmer?