In the current interview in "Empire" magazine Seagal seems to like this film best of all his movies. He says it came out exactly right.
Only scenes I'm aware of cut from ODG is the ending, Seagal originally wanted a 15mt lecture, that got cut down to 5mts.Sadly it seems a lot of filmed action scenes were cut out of the final movie. Any chance there will be a directors cut some day?
Watching Fire Down Below today, you can’t help but long for a return to the quality we used to get. Warner always knew how to make and, especially, how to promote a decent action movie.
The pace is awesome, the action is decent and there’s even some comedy and romantic moments that actually work.
There are two main trailers for Fire Down Below, the second one which is a bit harder to source has LOTS of footage which hit the cutting room floor including a truck smashing into a cop car from an action scene which was supposed to open the film and shots of the gas station exploding which for some reason was dropped in favour of the “shooting the flare with the gun” scene we got in the end.
The story is great, the supporting cast are excellent and Seagal is having fun.
It’s this one -
I personally think it’s a better trailer than the more common release. Probably overdoing the “lots of extra footage” angle but the shot of the guy jumping from the rail bridge early on and the shot of a tanker crashing into a cop car (around a minute in) were supposedly from an early action scene which was cut for time.
Some of it was apparently salvaged and cut into the sepia flashbacks we see at the start. It still runs quite long for a Seagal film in its theatrical version.
Glimpses of the gas station catching fire are at the very end of the trailer, footage which again doesn’t appear in any release version that I know of.
What a pitty...A lot of good stuff was deleted...I think it would have been a very different and more successful film if WB didn't decide to mess it up...Some more info about the deleted scenes from Fire Down Below
Fire Down Below - TV Tropes
Box Office Bomb: Budget, $60 million. Box-Office, $24.5 million. Completely Different Title: In Spain this movie was promoted as a sequel to On Deadly Ground, hence the Spanish title, En tierra peligrosa 2. Creator's Favorite: At the Fan Expo …tvtropes.org